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Aug 16th 2022
Belgium : “Foreign intelligence services do not understand that the neo-Nazi festival #Frontnacht is allowed to take place in #Ypres. This is apparent from my own research, which I reported today in Nieuwsblad and GvA”
This festival has been welcoming neo-nazis from all over Europe and former nazis since it’s inception, and has been allowed to take place for decades, under the cover of being a nationalist Flemish rally and a celebration of the dead from the First World War
IJzerbedevaart or The Yser Pilgrimage, in Dixmude, started out in the 20s, as a remembrance of the Flemish soldiers that died in WW1. It then grew into a Flemish nationalist gathering as time went by. During WW2, it still went on and was organized by the nazi occupying forces ImageImage
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