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#fushiita au wherein future megumi goes to the past and takes past megumi’s place, yuuji and gang are none the wiser but little by little things start seeming odd? megumi says things that don’t make sense, acts weird too, he’s more possessive of yuuji.
more vicious with their enemies, faster and stronger too. but it’s the way he invaded yuuji’s space that brings the most attention. megumi who loves his own space, no longer does. he’s always around yuuji, always near him, no less that centimeters away.
his fingers always grasping onto any part of yuuji he’s able. always around, never to far out of reach.

there’s an aura of totality and finality around him. one that gojo knows his ward shouldn’t have. one he’s intimately familiar with.

as though…
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title: when the sky falls (will we stand tall?)
tags: dark, reincarnation, ominous, au
pair: #fushiita

(this is the end,

yuuji’s fingertips run along his mother’s wounds, they’re carved by quite a familiar technique.

(hold your breath and count to ten,

yuuji sinks.
he sinks to the ground before his mother’s sliced body, the scent of familiarity clings to her. this scent is one yuuji knows like the back of his hand. this scent is one yuuji had always associated with safety, with love.

(hear the earth move and then,

his father’s.
(hear my heart burst again,

β€œryoumen sukuna has sunk himself in depravity, he’s no longer human. your orders are to execute him at all cost. may he never enter the circle of reincarnation again! let him pay for what he’s done! let us take our vengeance!”
Read 26 tweets
commission for: @betch_wtf
prompt: cigarettes
title : between common tongues
tags: bittersweet, dark, obsession
pair: #fushiita

megumi’s lips find themselves wrapped around the offered end of yuuji’s cigarette. meguni isn’t a smoker, yet he does not refuse yuuji’s offer.
β€œhow are things?” yuuji wonders. megumi releases a drag of smoke. soon his jade-like eyes focus on yuuji’s own, β€œsame as when you left.” he mutters, coughing out for a sec in an effort to pass the nicotine quicker.
yuuji smiles, all teeth and gums. it’s eerie and so easily yuuji, β€œdo you miss me, partner?” he croons. megumi does not answer, this is clearly a setup of some sorts. a way for yuuji to make way into his head again.
Read 21 tweets
#fushiita: wherein yuuji isn’t a good guy, and yet megumi is unwilling to let him go.

β€œwe should break up.” yuuji murmurs soullessly. megumi doesn’t allow himself to be hurt, this scene has happened far too may times to keep count. so megumi replies as he’s always done.
β€œno.” he gives no room for arguments, merely denies him and turns to the side. he doesn’t spare yuuji a glance, not right now. not when yuuji’s brimming with anger.

β€œwhy not! i don’t like you! why’re you so adamant in staying in a relationship!” yuuji begins shouting.
megumi ignores him, closing his eyes. it’s an everyday thing now, yuuji will shout and scream, get angry at him and then proceed to ignore him for the rest of the day. at night, he’ll let megumi fuck him to get rid of both their stress and come morning, the cycle will continue.
Read 8 tweets
title: keeping you close shouldn’t be this hard.
tags: angst, break up, hurt/comfort, misunderstanding, age gap, happy ending
pair: #fushiita
inspiration: shouldn’t be by luke chiang

yuuji’s fingertips run atop the engraved silver band that decorated his ring finger.
the band that had once been the symbol of his and megumi’s love. the band that from today forward will no longer be on his ring finger. he sighs softly, as he carefully sets the ring inside a box before closing it and placing the box inside the drawers on his dresser.
yuuji still has a couple of hours before he needs to head towards the lawyers office to sign the divorce papers. so he chooses to spend his free time on some mundane tasks, anything to keep his mind off of the inevitable.
Read 32 tweets
title: only you my girl, only you babe
tags: fem yuuji, age gap, au
pair: #fushiita
inspiration: dark red by steve lacy

β€˜do you love me?’ yuuji can’t help but wonder, as she cups megumi’s jaw. watching as he leans into her touch. his hand comes up to encompass yuuji’s own.
he opens his previously closed eyes to press a tender kiss against the edge of her palm, all the while staring deep into yuuji’s eyes and oh… yuuji is so endeared with him. still, she’s not so foolish as to believe all his words. this is a transaction, after all.
lonely, lonely yuuji who’s only company comes in the form of a paid escort. lonely, lonely yuuji who has more money that she knows what to do with. lonely, lonely yuuji who stands on a thin thread unafraid of the fall. perhaps even hoping for it.
Read 26 tweets
title: a symbiotic relationship between a wolf and a tiger.
tags: shapeshifter, fluff, au
pair: #fushiita
inspiration: a symbiotic relationship between a rabbit and a black panther manhwa

yuuji presses his snout into his paws, actively trying to become a small spot in the room.
he can hear the cackling of nobara’s red fox form from atop his back, where she was kneading his fur. still, yuuji refused to remove his snout from his paws, as a matter of fact! yuuji refused to move from this spot again!

β€œit wasn’t that bad!” he hears gojo-sensei joke.
yuuji, forgetting his promises of a mere two seconds ago, lifts his snout up and turns to gojo-sensei with a dour look, or the tiger’s equivalent of one, and chuffs out in discontent. that only serves to cause gojo and nobara to laugh even louder. yuuji was not amused at all.
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more clan head #fushiita content anyone?

everyone knows that as the head of the zen’in family, megumi has tons of paperwork to rifle through, it’s on one of these arduously long days, that he gets an idea, quickly he calls for the servants to bring his spouse to his office.
zen’in yuuji, is megumi’s beloved spouse, they’d been childhood sweetheart, and had married once they’d been of age. it’s because of yuuji that megumi hadn’t completely eradicated the zen’in elders. or so the rumors say. megumi wants to laugh. if only they knew the truth…
his kind and compassionate yuuji, who hid his viciousness behind a harmless, benign smile, who others confused as naive, and foolish, but megumi knew better, oh his yuuji carried a cruel heart, rather than outright getting rid of the zen’in elder, it had been yuuji to suggest
Read 19 tweets
title: we’ve come to tell you that’s he’s evil, most definitely
tags: aged up, clan head megumi, enemies to lovers, open ending
pair: #fushiita

β€” π’Šπ’π’•π’“π’: 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆

β€œso long as you marry the head of the zen’in clan, your execution will be forgiven.” nanami states.
ryoumen yuuji nods, and nanami takes the time to truly stare into the fallen ryoumen heir’s eyes. rather than finding fear, ryoumen yuuji’s eyes appear sharper than ever. his face holds no emotion, or at the very least, not any nanami can decipher.
β€œwhen will the wedding take place.” nanami startles at the voice. ryoumen yuuji’s voice is nothing like he had expected, yuuji’s voice is a soft, delicate thing. tinged with a melodic inflection. not the voice one would expect from a clan filled to the brim with curse users.
Read 39 tweets
title: terror takes a sound before you make it.
tags: dark, ambiguous/open ending, gore
pair: #fushiita

megumi sighs, as he closes the door to his apartment behind him, toeing off his shoes, setting them aside, before he takes a step forward. megumi does not turn the lights on.
there’s no need to, he walks in complete darkness, as he approaches the door that leads to the master bedroom, before he’s even able to grab onto the handle, megumi feels the telltale signs of his approach, still, megumi does not squirm under his gaze, after all.
what was there to fear?

β€œyuuji,” megumi whispers softly, as arms circle his waist, and a familiar weight presses up against him, β€œyuuji,” megumi murmurs once more. he does not turn to look at yuuji, far too afraid to disturb this rare moment of intimacy.
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#fushiita modern au where yuuji was thrust into an arranged marriage, in a world where your partners are decided by the government.

at the ripe age of 18, a modest envelope in his mailbox;
"your marriage to mr β—‹β—‹ will commence on DD of MM year YY."
"more info on your partner will be disclosed later."

oh. he's married off to a male. not quite a surprise nowadays. also, year YY? that's 2 years from now. yuuji wonders who mr β—‹β—‹ is. it's not someone he knows. he turns to megumi and nobara to discuss his so-called 'partner'.
megumi looked mildly displeased as he read over the general info on mr β—‹β—‹. "so your compatibility is a supposed 96%. that's amazingly high, even for today's standards, with all the personality data they're basing it off," nobara comments. yuuji's pleased; they'll get along.
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#fushiita in which yuuji is apprehended and taken away, kept under talismans and charms in a shrine deep in the forests, in a prefecture far from tokyo, and nobody has any information on what'll happen to him, but for now, yuuji is a prisoner to the whims of the elders
megumi searches and searches, and finally arrives at the rundown shrine, where he finds yuuji, legs tied and eyes masked with a charmed blindfold, lying own in the main chambers. no one ever comes to this shrine anymore. megumi pleads, "itadori, let me save you, bring you away."
yuuji shakes his head no, megumi can't, and shouldn't do it. but megumi's insistent. persistent. "itadori. i'll kill those elders, burn their homes - even goji-sensei, kugisaki, senpai won't stop me. they'll help me." yuuji says no again, a little bit more forcefully. "i'm fine."
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#fushiita πŸ’–
- soft, pampering kinda thread
- not-yet-dating

πŸ”Έbasically a day where fushiguro sleeps in (late-night mission) and itadori gets a hairwash from him.
megumi groggily cracked his eyes open ; sunlight streamed in from his windows. he looked at his phone - 8AM. he hadn't set any alarms because he had planned to sleep in.
before he could wonder what it was that woke him up, megumi heard his stomach gurgle in protest. ah.
he came back last night, exhausted from his mission and had immediately face-planted onto his bed, without a shower, without eating dinner. he looked at his clothes - bits of cursed spirit gunk stuck to his uniform. disgusting. megumi sighed. laundry... clean sheets...
Read 58 tweets
#Fushiita #δΌθ™Ž
CW: Dirty Talk, Sex Pollen
A/N: Hehehe, my β€˜attempt’ at creating sexual tension. Did it work? Probably not.
β€œItadori, a-are you sure?” Megumi hesitantly asks once more; the last thing he needs is to take advantage of his dearest friend.

"If you ask me if I'm sure one more time," Itadori whines against his neck.
Itadori starts grinding right up against Megumi’s crotch and the pink-haired boy licks right up until he’s nibbling at Megumi’s jawline.

"I'll ride you so hard that you won't be able to feel your dick anymore."

"Itadoriβ€”" Megumi gasps helplessly.
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#δΌθ™Ž #Fushiita
CW: ABO, Breeding kink, Dirty Talk(?), Impregnation kink, Scenting, Possessive
A/N: I'll never get over possessive Megumi Fushiguro. That boy was built to be THE Alpha. My goodness, Fushi makes me froth by the mouth. I love it.
Megumi sinks his teeth in a little harder, and the Omega whines softly, trying to jerk away from his friend.

"Fushiguro, stop that!" Itadori whimpers.

The black haired Alpha continues to grit on the black collar, trying so desperately to break the stupid restrainer.

Itadori buries his hand into the bed of black hair, gently massaging his scalp and Megumi sighs softly.

"What's gotten into you?"

Megumi doesn't say anything. instead he returns to biting the skin that's not covered by the collar.
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