#fushiita ๐Ÿ’–
- soft, pampering kinda thread
- not-yet-dating

๐Ÿ”ธbasically a day where fushiguro sleeps in (late-night mission) and itadori gets a hairwash from him.
megumi groggily cracked his eyes open ; sunlight streamed in from his windows. he looked at his phone - 8AM. he hadn't set any alarms because he had planned to sleep in.
before he could wonder what it was that woke him up, megumi heard his stomach gurgle in protest. ah.
he came back last night, exhausted from his mission and had immediately face-planted onto his bed, without a shower, without eating dinner. he looked at his clothes - bits of cursed spirit gunk stuck to his uniform. disgusting. megumi sighed. laundry... clean sheets...
he reluctantly rolled out of his blanket and trudged to open his door. just as megumi swung it open however, he was slapped in the face with the mouthwatering scent of ginger and frying chicken. before he knew it, megumi was already at the dorm's kitchen doorway.
he didn't barge into the kitchen, however. megumi chose to peek inside, stomach rumbling incessantly.

at the stove stood yuuji, apron tied back into a flourish behind him, cheerfully humming as he dropped pieces of batter chicken into the frying pan.
the kettle was huffing and puffing in the corner, while the scent of freshly turned warm rice wafted over from the rice cooker by the fridge. on the table megumi saw a plate of perfectly rolled tamagoyaki, and a bottle of ginger garnish. there was also... pancakes and syrup.
yuuji didn't seem to notice megumi watching him, as he patted the fried chicken - karaage, it seems - with a kitchen towel, to absorb the remaining oil. he brought the plate over to the table, and began assembling the dishes.
two cups of miso soup, two small plates of tamagoyaki and ginger, the karaage divided into two hefty servings - yuuji was making two sets of breakfast. megumi wondered who the other was for. maybe he could snag some leftovers...
"uwah, fushiguro, you're awake!" without him noticing, yuuji was already in front of him, eyes wide in surprise. "i was just on my way to wake you up..."

megumi blinked. "wake me up?"
yuuji smiled, radiant and warm. "you came back really late last night - i was gaming -
so i figured you didn't have dinner last night. i made breakfast for us! kugisaki's off to harajuku already, with maki-senpai, there's a clearance sale or something at a shop she likes, so it's just the two of us today."

warmth pooled in megumi's heart. before he could respond,
his stomach rumbled again. more audibly this time.
yuuji laughed boisterously. "fushiguro, you're hungry!" megumi ducked his face away, embarrassed. "... the ginger and karaage smells good."

"but unfortunately, fushiguro, you don't." yuuji's words were frank - megumi winced.
"you should go and get a shower first, fushiguro. i'll make you some coffee - shoo shoo!" yuuji waved the chopsticks in his hands at him, putting on a strict expression.

megumi shrugged, and moved away to the showers. "please, less sugar, itadori."
"yes, yes, off you go!"
megumi showered thoroughly, scrubbing his skin until he was squeaky clean, smelling of coconut and mint. stepping out of the stalls, he realized his dirty clothes were gone. "?" he didn't go straight to the kitchen, instead to his room first, intending to strip his bedsheets.
when he came in however, megumi was surprised yet again to see his bed bare. even the mattress was gone. "???" not wasting any more time (yuuji's karaage is getting cold), he immediately made his way to the kitchen. a strong coffee smell made its way down to corridor.
upon arrival, yuuji wasn't there. megumi took a seat anyway, where his favourite Inu cup was placed. he took a sip of the coffee, and the tension he didn't know he had immediately seeped out of his shoulders. "warm..." megumi relaxed for a while, waiting for yuuji.
not long after that yuuji pattered into the kitchen from the direction of the laundry room. "oh, fushiguro! let's eat!"

with a soft smile, megumi nodded.
(break, dinnertime for me hehe)
as they dug into the warm, fluffy rice (megumi's half-crying from how good yuuji's karaage was), yuuji chattered brightly, talking about his own upcoming mission that afternoon.
megumi replied with soft hm's and ah's, letting yuuji's voice wash over him. best morning ever.
"oh, anyway, fushiguro, you must still be tired... you woke up so early too today." yuuji drizzled maple syrup generously on some pancakes, and pushed it towards megumi. "i took off your bedsheets and clothes already, so consider your laundry done!"
with that, yuuji flashed a blinding smile, and a thumbs-up. in surprise at his words, megumi spluttered, almost dying over his first bite of pancakes.
(megumi needs sunglasses stat.)

"eh? you washed them?" megumi couldn't quite believe his ears. yuuji nodded enthusiastically.
"i fluffed your pillows and mattress too, they're bathing in sunshine right now, hehe. so tonight you can sleep on fresh sheets! and a warm bed! though not gonna lie, the curse you fought last night had a heck of a smell. i think they need at least two rounds in the washer, man."
an image of aproned yuuji hanging out bedsheets and fluffing pillows came unbidden into megumi's mind. his heart clenched at how just precious-looking it was. yuuji, safe, sound, smiling, warm, homely, cute... ugh, what's he thinking of?
"oh... that's great, thanks itadori. i'm really grateful you're going to such lengths." "no, no, nothing at all. but still! you need some sleep!" yuuji was out from his seat already, bringing the dishes to the sink. megumi hurried over, pushing yuuji away, intending to wash them.
yuuji huffed in amusement and let megumi wash the dishes, as he perched on the table. "i'll be out for that mission with nanamin the whole day, so fushiguro, go and sleep in my bed!"

megumi felt like he was struck by lightning. "wh-what?" "your bed's outside, dummy.
where are you going to catch up on your sleep?" megumi scratched his chin. "uh... i can sleep on the common room's couch." he didn't really resist though.

"and get neck pain from that lumpy sofa? not a chance. you need proper sleep, so might as well use my bed, fushiguro!"
yuuji was adamant, eyes sparkling in determination. he currently looked like a mother-hen, megumi privately thought, hands on hips, with that cutesy apron and all. adorable, hehe.

"... that's fine, then. i'll be intruding."
"hoho, alright then!"
soon megumi was tucked into (yuuji's) blankets, surrounded by (yuuji's) fluffy pillows and... uh, cursed doll. "don't worry, the principal's cursed technique's deactivated for now, you can hug the cute guy!" megumi couldn't see where the doll was cute, but okay.
yuuji changed into his uniform right after hanging out the (megumi's) laundry and making sure some snacks were available for megumi on the bedside. "i'm off! sleep well, fushiguro!"

megumi hummed in reply, already very very very sleepy.
the pillows were saturated in warmth, and the smell of yuuji's strawberry shampoo. everything was so comfortable. within seconds, megumi had nodded off to sleep, dreaming of sunshine and warm hands in his own.
megumi woke up around late afternoon, fully refreshed. he wasn't quite ready to leave yuuji's bed yet, however, so he decided to type up his mission report in his phone.

megumi gazed at the empty walls above his head. there used to be several posters stuck there.
after yuuji's death, he was the one who cleaned up the room. the memory of sitting on this same bed that day, sorting through volumes of manga and magazines, this very same bed, yet so void of warmth, made him clench his teeth. he couldn't help but pull the blankets closer.
as the bright glaring light of the afternoon sun waned into the soft colours of sunset, megumi finally dragged himself out of the bed for another shower. he feels there's something he's forgotten though.

after he meticulously made yuuji's bed, megumi decided to order takeout.
yuuji'll be too tired to cook, and he's getting hungry too after all, might as well get some food ready. remembering nobara was still out wandering the city, megumi sent a message asking her to get some rice bowls from a restaurant they frequent.
she replied with an unimpressed face sticker, but conceded in the end, apparently planning to eat there anyway. "ginger and meat? extra large katsudon?" nobara knew the boy's food preferences like the back of her hand already by now.

megumi sent an OK sticker. read. ok, done.
suddenly a message came into their 1st years group chat - a picture of itadori absolutely drenched in goop. "look at all this mess~ ๐Ÿฅบ". his hair was tangled with leaves and mud ; megumi had to wonder if the other fought curses or got caught in a landslide.
megumi pondered a while. he tapped out a private message to yuuji. deleted it. re-typed. delete. "ugh..."

he finally sent it.
"i bought dinner. movie night?"
(simple was best after all.)

almost immediately came a reply.
god dang it, itadori yuuji is too cute, help.
nobara handed megumi his food with a sniff, herself loaded with shopping bags, casting him a knowing look - "hope your date night goes well~" - before flouncing away to her room.
megumi shook his head ; he just wanted to repay yuuji's favour from this morning.
he's still forgetting something here... but soon yuuji comes plopping in. rather, the smell came first.
"uh, itadori, this is so much more horrible than mine."

yuuji cast him a puppy look.
"i know.... i need a really good shower.... and my hair..." it was basically a bird's nest
at that point. megumi sighed. "...would you like me to help with your hair?" it wasn't an excuse for anything, megumi reasoned, just helping a friend out.

yuuji brightened visibly.
"thank you fushiguro!! but you've already showered?"
"i did, but i can just wash your hair while you're in the bathtub. go and rinse yourself off, when you're ready to soak i'll be there." yuuji let out a relieved sigh and immediately made his way to the showers. "alright!! i'll try getting the gunk out, as much as i can!!"
after a while, megumi rolled his sleeves up, preparing a little plastic bag to dispose the leaves and twigs in, and headed to the showers, where yuuji's singing had ceased, a sure sign the boy had finished showering. sure enough, when megumi entered, yuuji was
already half-submerged in the open air bath, head hanging over the edge. upon seeing megumi, yuuji waved lethargically. "oh, fushiguro~"

megumi didn't respond, instead taking a stool and made his way to yuuji. upon closer inspection, yuuji's hair was still a mess.
"i'm going to start wasing your hair now." "ho, i'm leaving it up to you..."

megumi began carding his slender fingers through yuuji's uppercut. he stared at the two, apparently natural, colours of the other's hair - pink and black. reminds him of sushi. salmon and seaweed.
he then worked on rinsing off all the mess in yuuji's hair ; even after his shower, leaves and traces of mud remained. megumi was glad he wasn't the one to deal with this particular curse this time around - what would happen to HIS hair? a worse mess, probably.
after the initial rinse, megumi slathered a generous amount of shampoo onto his hands, and worked them into yuuji's hair. his fingers were strong, so megumi massaged yuuji's scalp while he was at it.

"fushiguro... that feels... really nice..." yuuji was getting drowsier.
the warm water, the calming sensation of someone kneading your scalp gently, the comforting smell of his shampoo... yuuji's eyelids drooped. within seconds he was snoring.

megumi's lips quirked into a fond smile. he was still meticulously washing every strand of hair clean.
he carefully rinsed the shampoo off, not wanting the suds to roll down into yuuji's eyes, neither into the bath. megumi then reached for his own hair conditioner. yuuji rarely needed conditioner, while megumi did (come on, look at his hair, god damn it) because
yuuji's hair was naturally soft and fluffy - most importantly, low maintenance. but due to the vigorous washing megumi did, he felt it necessary to treat yuuji's hair to a good soak in conditioner for a while. as he applied the minty conditioner (a tiny voice
inside him was proudly flexing that yuuji will smell like mint - and that's his smell, after all), his fingers gently traced the lines of yuuji's ears, down to his nape. megumi gently pressed against the pressure points there, making yuuji whine contentedly even in his sleep.
"itadori, come on, wake up. go on, dry off, i'll blow-dry your hair." yuuji mumbled before slipping under the water again. megumi snorted, and pulled the other out. "get out, you'll get a cold, dumbass."

after making sure yuuji had actually gotten out, he went to the kitchen
to re-heat the ricebowls. he carried the food down the dorm's corridor, knocking on yuuji's door. "itadori, are you done?" a muffled sound of acknowledgement came from the inside. megumi pushed the door open.

yuuji was sitting on the floor, dressed in his fluffiest hoodie.
his hair was still dripping wet, but yuuji was close to nodding off again. megumi quickly placed the ricebowls onto the bedside and irritatedly plugged the hairdryer in.
"itadori... come here."
megumi sat on the bed, patting the floor in front of him.
yuuji shuffled over, eyes still closed. megumi began to slowly fluff his hair, drying it carefully on the lowest heat setting. a comfortable silence settled upon them both, with only the whirring of the dryer echoing.

yuuji leaned back onto the bed,
almost... nuzzling against megumi's hands. like a wet puppy. megumi hummed softly and rubbed gently behind his ears.

suddenly, yuuji slapped the floor and jumped up, head colliding against megumi's chin. "ow! wth itadori?!"
"fushiguro.... your sheets and your mattress! i forgot to bring them in!"
oh. that's what megumi forgot about. "how are you going to sleep tonight? i don't want to pull in the spare mattress either... it's dusty..."

megumi smiled.
"let me sleep here then."
"we're supposed to watch a movie anyway, right. we'll just end up sleeping." megumi assured yuuji, privately thinking how gullible yuuji was.
yuuji hmm'ed and haa'edbefore agreeing enthusiastically. "that's fine then, but the bed's too narrow, why not we pull the mattress down?"
they ended up making a blanket and pillow fort of sorts in which yuuji snuggled in with a contented sigh. "come on fushiguro, it's comfy!!" megumi slid into the sheets, basking in yuuji's warmth. "so what are we going to watch tonight?"

notes :
- yuuji made megumi's bed properly the next day
- nobara barged in to find them cuddling in the morning, and immediately snapped a pic to send to the whole of jujutech, and left with complaining about oblivious dorks
- they did have dinner sometime during the movie

โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข

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17 Aug
the hinatmatsuri (doll festival), but the zen'in family 100 years later displays two male dolls instead : megumi-sama and yuuji-sama, they call the dolls. megumi-sama has a strict expression, while yuuji-sama gentle, but the young girls swear megumi-sama's...
porcelain face becomes much more gentle, almost smiling, when they turn him to face yuuji-sama a little bit more.

at night, the young girls who set the hina-dan up also swear they hear giggles and whispers from the room where the display was set. yet nobody was inside.
touching the dolls would transfer bad luck from the girls to the dolls, and ensure a long and happy life for them, but for the zen'in, the practice is a little bit different.

nobody can touch yuuji-sama without asking for megumi-sama's permission. like, actual asking.
Read 10 tweets
14 Aug
tbh my favourite megumi's Thoughtโ„ข on yuuji is :

ใ€ and like a bad dream, yuuji came back ใ€‘
this is a direct quote from ๆ•ฃๆญฉ้“ใฎๅพŒใซ the light novel, don't bash me for this lol
but context was he was pondering over how yuuji's 'death' affected him and nobara, and how they were slowly moving on, and getting over it, making it part of their motivation to fight,

they're finally accepting that he's gone
Read 9 tweets
14 Aug
does anybody here want TWO EN-tled snippets (one 30 seconds, the other 2 mins) from JJK's Volume 7 audio drama? reply and i'll dm you with the vids

1st years being cute โœ…
them riding segway โœ…
nobara's "muri-muri-muri"โœ…
yuuji being sus โœ…
megumi being done โœ…
it's adapted for this but the whole audio drama is, 18 mins, sasuga ni i can't do that yet ๐Ÿคฃ but read!! this crappy summary!!! hehe
did i mention :

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