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Aug 12th 2019
Was in pre-op for an emergent take back over the weekend. My chief arrived & in the middle of her asking me (the intern) to put in orders for the case, the male anesthesia resident asked if she was the pre-op nurse. She cordially explained she was the chief surgical resident 1/10
She was clearly the leader of our team yet had to defend her position as such. As a man, I often get benefit of the doubt of being “the Dr.” even when I was a short-coated medical student. As a new intern, people assume I’m in charge but I’ve only been a resident for 40 days 2/10
I have never had to defend my position on a team. This stands in stark contrast to the many women physicians who have to justify their role each & every day. I often wonder if I would have the same amount of patience as my female colleagues, & the answer is an easy no 3/10
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