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Most recents (1)

Aug 20th 2019
1 - Jet Airways closed
2 - Air India in Rs 7600 crore loss
3 - BSNL 54,000 jobs in danger
4 - No money to pay salary for HAL employees
5 - Postal department loss of Rs 15000 crores
6 - About 1000000 to be laid off in Auto Industry
7 - 12.76 lakhs houses unsold in 30 major cities
8 - Aircel is dead for Jio life.
9 - JP Group finished
10 - Most profitable company in India - ONGC is now making losses
11 - 36 largest debtors missing from country.
12 - Rs 2.4 lakh crores loan waive off to a few corporates
13 - Punjab National Bank continues to loss.
14 - All banks incurring huge losses
15 - External debt on country 500+ Billion Dollars
16 - Railways on sale
17 - Rent Heritages including Red Fort
18 - Largest car maker Maruti cuts production
19 - Rs 55000 crores car inventory lying at factories, with no buyers.
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