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May 7th 2023
Charging Nixon in Watergate was like finding Capone guilty of tax evasion. It didn't address the real crimes of racketeering and laundering. #GingerHoldings

Nixon, USAID, Taiwan, PepsiCo, Gulf of Tonkin, heroin, military... Bush, Dulles.
1953: VP Nixon and SoS John Foster Dulles ImageImage
Nixon, Eisenhower, Dulles Image
1956: John Foster Dulles, Nixon, and Indonesia President Sukarno Image
Read 5 tweets
Apr 29th 2023
📸 Brown, Alito, Kavanaugh, Thurn and Taxis - German nobility
📸 Brian Brown, World Congress of Families XI, Budapest
National Organization for Marriage
@Nadja72638243 Brian Brown, BOD of NOM, w/John Eastman. Brian Brown, Cleta Mitchell, and Eastman to Justice Thomas. ImageImageImage
Alito, Kavanaugh met at the court with Brian S. Brown, who runs several anti-gay groups; German Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, and Gerhard Ludwig Müller, a right-wing German cardinal who has said publicly that a “homosexual network” inside the church is responsible for sex. Image
One of Brown’s groups has filed an amicus brief in cases currently pending before the court—their visit is notable for another, unexpected, reason: All three are in the vanguard of a political, right-wing movement that’s been pushing to topple PopeFrancis.…
Read 11 tweets
Apr 17th 2023
Justice Ginger Holdings: "The Post said that, since 2006 when the real estate firm shut down, Thomas, whose annual salary is $285,000, has reported receiving between $270,000 and $750,000 from it." #HarlanCrow #Paoletta Mom Leola's home đźš© #GHWB
SUITE 800, 1125 SOUTH 103RD STREET, OMAHA, Nebraska, 68124
Directors / Officers
Registry Page
Nebraska (US)
@MountainsStars @nofashosint
h/t @TeresaCCarter2… Image
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