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Dec 7th 2021
#thread #templesofgoa Stunning laterite stone temple of Shri Saptakoteshwar in #khandepar village in Goa. Located on the banks of the River Khandepar, the temple is of Shri Saptkoteshwar, a form of Lord Shiva. Shri Saptakoteshwar was the patron deity of the Kadambas who ruled Goa Image
According to Goan archeologist, Shri Mitragotri, this temple was probably built first by the Kadamabas but renovated extensively by the Vijayanagara kings. The existing temple is a 3 storey structure built out of laterite stone, crowned with a dome with a lotus bud shaped kalasha Image
Two laterite stone Nandis and two stone elephants placed at the corners, facing each cardinal directions. Inside the temple, there is a small, but beautiful Nandi carved in black granite. The garbhgriha is in the form of a rock-cut cave carved out of a massive laterite block. Image
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