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Oct 14th 2022
One of my biggest gripes with the #PGATour is that #golf as a sport - particularly pro golf - could be WAY bigger than it currently is. #LIVGolf coming on the scene is only going to *increase* the ecosystem by capturing markets the PGAT has underserved. 1/
They’ve done the bare minimum the last 30 years and the only reason golf grew is because of Tiger. It had almost nothing to do with the 🤡 leadership they’ve had. It’s time to move into the 21st century. It’s time to innovate. Get creative. 2/
Bryson and Brooks created a multi-million dollar match out of 1 viral moment. There’s so many good golf content creators out there. Leadership needs to get younger with people that understand this. 3/
Read 13 tweets
Jun 23rd 2021
Plays of the Week 🏀 Drag Screen Concepts from @RadiusAthletics

-Drag Get Kick
-Drag Flip SBS (shown)
-Drag "Blue"
-Seattle Storm > Secondary Double Drag

See newsletter:…

⬇️ DRAG SCREEN #TransitionOffenseTips THREAD ⬇️ Image
Early Offense Ideas: Transition Drag Screens

by @RadiusAthletics | #TransitionOffenseTips
TWIST Concept

FastDraw download:

by @RadiusAthletics| #TransitionOffenseTips Image
Read 20 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
On September 22 @HenryBushnell wrote a piece that explored the exclusivity that exists in American soccer, particularly our country’s youth soccer system:…

We have a few thoughts.
The issues addressed in the article that perpetuate that exclusivity are multilayered and complex, but this excerpt describing the approach @opengoalproject and other fellow reformers are taking captured our attention: Image
This thread will be an ongoing effort to address a few different ways @ussoccer can help bring resources to players, instead of our current system that forces players to go to those resources--often at great expense in money, time, and travel.
Read 26 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
Cal Baptist University’s Rick Croy has been a highly successful basketball coach at every level and understands that teaching his players how to lead on and off the court is a key to building a winning program. @CoachesHangTime #CalBaptist #growthegame
The high-energy Croy, in his 7th year at NCAA D-1 Cal Baptist, talked about “Team Building” for 90 minutes with 100 coaches during the Coaches Hang-Time online basketball clinic Thursday night. #HangTime @RickCroy
“In leadership development, we want to build leaders in everything we do in our program,” Croy said. “Leadership is making someone else better. To be leaders we want our players to be difference-makers in our program and in the community.” #HangTime
Read 11 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
Made a visual of @Topp33 “4 Stages of Habit Building” from his @Coaches_Clinic talk a couple of days ago.

Adapted from one of my favorite @GiANTWorldwide leadership visuals out there, The Apprenticeship Square. Image
Here is some insight into the role of the Coach/Leader in each stage from my experience using this tool with my players. Image
Thanks to @LeicBasketball for posting notes of the sessions he’s attended on his blog. I would’ve completely missed this otherwise!

Immediately went back and watched when I saw this tool in basketball coaching action!
Read 6 tweets
Mar 21st 2020
COACHES: A consistent theme from these from the @Coaches_Clinic

The use of 3X3 to give players space to explore/create through constraints.

Has me thinking. Are there things you CAN'T teach through 3X3? That you NEED 5X5 to do?

@JohnCarrier42 @CoachPerkins @brianmccormick
OB plays are the only thing that comes to mind.
Read 3 tweets

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