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Jan 22nd 2022
The cash strategy 👇☢️👇

1⃣ #stock selection process - always choose that stock which are consolidating near all time high

(Because whenever stock will give all time high breakout then it will easily give 20/30% return in 1/2 months
You can also choose 52 week high stocks , if stock going to give BO more then 3 years of range .

For finding all time high or 52 week high stocks you can use trading view scanner or indmoney scanner .

Here is threads of both 👇

2⃣volume analysis - In that consolidating period volume should be high of up move days then down move days. And last 3/4 month volume of accumulation is much higher.

Here is 👇 volume thread🧵 in details

Read 11 tweets
Nov 18th 2019
(1/4) Countdown to the 23rd #GreenRiverProject (#GRP)Farmers' Day celebration happening on the Saturday, 23 November is officially on!

#OandoIsNigeria #FarmersDay #OandoCSR Image
(2/4) The #GRP Farmers’ Day Celebration is a yearly event that has given the NAOC/NNPC/OANDO JV partners the opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the last planting season with individual farmers,…

#OandoIsNigeria #FarmersDay #OandoCSR #naocjv #GreenRiverProject ImageImage
(3/4) …farmers’ cooperative societies, youth and women cooperative societies, agro-allied organisations, research and education Institutes, local government and NGOs.

#OandoIsNigeria #FarmersDay #OandoCSR #naocjv #GreenRiverProject #GRP ImageImageImage
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Jun 28th 2019
Earlier today we were in the Obie community of Omoku kingdom, Rivers State to Launch the NAOC JV Empowerment Scheme for women and youth in our host communities of Rivers, Bayelsa, Delta and Imo states. 1/6 ImageImageImageImage
This initiative is a part of the Green River Project #GRP championed by our NNPC/NAOC/OANDO JV which aims to meet the prevalent challenges of unemployment and self-sustenance in our host communities. 2/6 Image
This initiative not only advances development, but also helps to unlock the potential of unrealised markets at the bottom of the economic ladder. 3/6 Image
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