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Jul 23rd 2022
From my speech today at #gsu2022: "Every year, I use this time to recap your amazing work and celebrate your successes. This year, however, it is simply not possible to highlight all of the accomplishments of the survivors and volunteers leading @MomsDemand and @studentdemand."
"We’ve always understood this work is a marathon and not a sprint, but the last few months have felt like running an ultra-marathon. You planned and hosted 3,000 events across the US in weeks. @StudentsDemand volunteers hosted 250 school walkouts in 36 states and Washington, DC."
"And you shut down the Senate switchboard, driving a record ONE MILLION calls and messages to lawmakers in less than a month. Why is that so significant?"
Read 30 tweets
Jul 23rd 2022
“Not only did you keep pressure on your federal lawmakers to deliver these historic victories, you never skipped a beat in your state and local advocacy…passing four dozen gun safety laws in statehouses.” -@Shannonrwatts #GSU2022
“You worked with state lawmakers to help unlock a record-breaking $860 million dollars for violence intervention programs. These organizations are on the frontlines of the gun violence crisis.” -@Shannonrwatts #GSU2022
Community violence intervention programs are critical to addressing the disproportionate impact of gun violence on Black & Brown communities. We recently announced we’re investing $25 million to support these programs over the next five years. #GSU2022
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