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We are a movement of parents, students, survivors, educators, gun owners & concerned citizens fighting to end gun violence and build safer communities.
Jul 17 6 tweets 3 min read
UPDATE: The shooter who attempted to assassinate former President Trump reportedly used a DPMS AR-15. DPMS is a sister brand of Palmetto State Armory—a gun maker known for its reckless marketing, whose AR-15s have been used in other mass shootings.
smokinggun.org/law-enforcemen… Palmetto State Armory doesn’t shy away from leaning into violent fantasies as a marketing tactic. The company has shared social media content showing shooters sniping from elevated positions—deeply concerning given the would-be assassin fired from a rooftop roughly 400 feet away.
Jan 31 6 tweets 2 min read
Wayne LaPierre’s three-decades-long reign as the NRA’s CEO has officially come to an end. Today, he leaves behind a legacy of corruption, destruction, and extremism that has left Americans less safe and more afraid.

To celebrate, here are some of his greatest hits: Multiple former LaPierre allies have claimed that he saw extreme rhetoric as “gasoline” that he could pour on the fire of anger among the most fervent supporters. In 2020, LaPierre signed a fundraising letter which warned of “armed government agents storming your house, taking your guns, and hauling you off to prison.”
Oct 26, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
As the country reels from the deadliest mass shooting in 2023 in Lewiston, Maine, it’s important to note that Maine has some of the weakest gun laws in the Northeast, and that state lawmakers have actively rejected efforts to pass common-sense gun safety measures. 🧵 According to our gun law rankings, Maine is missing key foundational gun laws. The state does not:

❌Require background checks on all gun sales
❌Have an Extreme Risk law
❌Require violent domestic abusers to relinquish their illegal guns
❌Ban assault weapons
❌Limit magazine capacity
❌Require concealed carry permits
❌Restrict open carry
❌Have a waiting period
Mar 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
.@POTUS just announced a series of executive actions for gun safety that would save lives ahead of visiting Monterey Park, California.

Here’s what it would do: axios.com/2023/03/14/bid… Biden’s EOs:
-Direct the DOJ to ensure background checks on as many gun sales as possible
-Increase awareness & use of Red Flag laws & promote secure gun storage
-Crack down on rogue dealers & gun makers
-Increase support for survivors, victims, their families & first responders
Feb 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
At least three students were shot and killed and five others were critically wounded last night at Michigan State University. Thousands of students had to shelter in place before the 43-year-old shooter eventually shot and killed himself.
washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/02… Our hearts are with the victims, survivors, their loved ones, and the entire Michigan State University community. This never should have happened. For some students, this wasn't their first mass shooting. That is despicable.
Jan 17, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
While guns are the #1 killer of children & teens, the gun industry markets its products to kids and refuses to make them safer or help keep them out of dangerous hands.

@StudentsDemand is in Las Vegas for #ShotShow2023 with 17 demands for the gun industry—here are the demands: 1. STOP making AR-15s and other assault weapons that use high-capacity magazines.

2. STOP marketing to kids and teens.

3. STOP using fear-based ads to sell guns.

4. STOP marketing weapons of war to civilians and using military imagery to sell guns.
Sep 28, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
LIVE: We've joined survivors of the Highland Park Fourth of July Parade shooting today to announce a set of lawsuits Everytown Law is filing against Smith & Wesson, Bud’s Gun Shop, Red Dot Arms, the shooter, and the shooter’s father. 🧵 This wasn’t just an act of one troubled young man. As the survivors’ complaints allege, the shooter used a gun that was:

- Unfairly & deceptively marketed by Smith & Wesson
- Illegally sold to him by Bud’s Gun Shop and Red Dot Arms
- Negligently put into his hands by his father
Sep 25, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The Gun Violence Memorial Project in DC is a powerful, heartbreaking tribute to victims of gun violence. The exhibit features four houses made of 700 glass bricks. Each house represents the average number of lives taken by gun violence in a week in America. 🧵 ImageImage Inside each individual brick is the name of someone taken by gun violence in this country, along with remembrance objects contributed by their family members. Image
Jul 23, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
“Not only did you keep pressure on your federal lawmakers to deliver these historic victories, you never skipped a beat in your state and local advocacy…passing four dozen gun safety laws in statehouses.” -@Shannonrwatts #GSU2022 “You worked with state lawmakers to help unlock a record-breaking $860 million dollars for violence intervention programs. These organizations are on the frontlines of the gun violence crisis.” -@Shannonrwatts #GSU2022
Jul 19, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Every day, over 110 lives are stolen by gun violence. Too many of our lawmakers see these deaths and remain unfazed, unwilling to act.

So we're speaking their language. We've broken down how much money gun violence is costing Americans. Read more here:
everytownresearch.org/report/economi… Image In an average year, gun violence costs our nation $557 billion—five times the Department of Education's budget. While the human cost of gun violence is undoubtedly the most devastating, the economic consequences illustrates just how extensive this crisis is.
Jun 21, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: @ChrisMurphyCT, @JohnCornyn, @SenatorSinema, and @SenThomTillis just introduced the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. It addresses almost every form of gun violence—mass shootings, domestic violence, gun suicide, and community violence.

This life-saving bill will: Enhance background checks for buyers under 21.

This bill would establish an enhanced background check process and investigative period for buyers under the age of 21 who are purchasing from licensed dealers—which would prevent instantaneous sales of assault weapons to teens.
May 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
We continue to mourn the lives lost and forever changed by gun violence, including the victims and survivors of the hate-fueled mass shooting in Buffalo.

It’s a stark reminder of why gun safety laws are needed and the cost if the Supreme Court rules in the gun lobby's favor. A decision in the #SCOTUS case NY State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen could come out any day.

The NRA brought this case hoping to:
- create a new, dangerous unrestricted right to carry guns in public
- undermine the ability to enact & defend gun violence prevention laws
May 19, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
Community-based organizations in Buffalo have been working nonstop to meet needs and help residents cope in the aftermath of last weekend's racist mass shooting.

Check out this list of organizations our friends at @CJACTIONFUND have put together to learn more & get involved⬇️ .@Compassion_Fund has started The Buffalo 5/14 Fund to provide direct financial assistance to the survivors of the deceased and those directly affected by this tragedy. nationalcompassion.org/fund/buffalo-s…
Mar 2, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
During their first year in office, @POTUS and @VP have taken historic action on gun safety. Here’s a few of the things they’ve done to #EndGunViolence. #SOTU There was this set of life-saving executive actions on the growing threat of untraceable ghost guns, increased funding for community violence intervention programs, and more:
Aug 8, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
Nine people died in a horrific act of mass gun violence in Dayton, Ohio on Sunday. Remember their names, not the shooter’s. Give him #NoNotoriety.
nytimes.com/2019/08/05/us/… Jordan Cofer, 22, attended Wright State University where he studied Earth Sciences; he was expected to graduate next year. According to friends, Jordan identified as a transgender man who had shared his gender identity with a small circle of people. splinternews.com/friends-say-th…
Aug 7, 2019 22 tweets 8 min read
On Saturday, 20 people were killed in a shooting in El Paso, Texas. 26 more were wounded. Since then, 2 people died in the hospital.

As more details emerge, we chose to give the shooter #NoNotoriety and instead honor the victims with action and remember their stories. Jordan Anchondo, 25, was a stay-at-home mother to three children. She died alongside her husband, Andre. The couple was in Walmart with their infant son when they were fatally shot. According to Jordan’s sister, she died shielding her baby from the gunfire. The infant survived.
Feb 14, 2019 19 tweets 7 min read
One year ago today, fourteen students and three staff members were shot and killed and seventeen more were injured in a horrific mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

Today, we remember the victims, not the shooter. #NoNotoriety Alyssa Alhadeff, 14, a high school freshman and captain of her soccer team, was described by her mother Lori as passionate, intelligent, and kind to everyone.

At her funeral, Lori told Alyssa’s friends: “Honor Alyssa...Be something fabulous in your life. Be her voice.”
Nov 8, 2018 7 tweets 3 min read
THREAD—For too long, a pattern has followed mass shootings like the one in Thousand Oaks: tragedy struck, no federal policy action was taken & the moment passed.

But on 11/6 we elected a historic Gun Sense Majority to the House & more lawmakers than ever who can #BreakThePattern There are common-sense, strategic actions the new Congress can take that would save lives and dramatically decrease gun violence in America, and the first step is passing comprehensive background checks.
Jul 23, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
URGENT THREAD: A few days from now, *anyone* with a regular internet connection and a 3D printer will be able to make their own untraceable guns in just a couple clicks. This includes terrorists and people who can’t pass a background check. Incomprehensibly, the Trump @StateDept is about to allow a company run by a self-proclaimed anarchist to post its gun blueprints online in files that can be sent directly to a 3D printer to print guns on demand. wired.com/story/a-landma…
Jul 17, 2018 20 tweets 9 min read
THREAD: While we wait for the NRA to come clean about its connections to alleged Russian agent Maria Butina, let’s take a trip down memory lane and explore the twisted web of ties between Butina, the NRA, and prominent GOP operatives. In 2011, then-NRA president David Keene befriended Russian banker & politician Alexander Torshin. Shortly thereafter, Torshin joined with Maria Butina to form a Russian gun rights group supposedly modeled after the NRA called the Right to Bear Arms. newrepublic.com/article/110223…
Jul 16, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Meet Maria Butina, the lifetime NRA member and Russian national charged with being a spy. Butina is a Russian gun rights activist with close ties to Russian politicians, who for years has cultivated close relationships with American Republican operatives and the NRA.