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Oct 24th 2022
We were in this pub with these @FiLiA_charity women, sat at a table at the other end of the smoking area. A pink haired security guard assumed we were of the same kin, came to a table with 4 lesbians and asked us to leave. 1/
One of our table asked why we were being told to leave, we had been sitting there quietly for one drink. Was accused of being rude for asking questions. Eventually she left us alone because there was no explanation. We refused to leave, until we saw one of the other women 2/
Being cornered by two of the security men. We went out and I reminded them of the Equality Act in the UK (SEX being a protected charactistic) and the @MForstater case protecting our beliefs in law. I was told that these men did not have provide their names to me 3/
Read 9 tweets
Mar 12th 2021
1/8 The #HateCrimeBill has been approved by Holyrood. There is still a chance a Judicial Review may find it discriminatory, but for now its passage into law seems assured. So what light might ScotGov’s Equality Impact Assessment on the Bill shed on how it happened?
2/8 Existing ‘hate crime’ statutory aggravations already included: race; religion; disability; sexual orientation & transgender. The EIA says ScotGov accepted all of Lord Bracadale’s recommendations about a new bill, except he said ‘sex’ should be included. It’s not. They didn’t
3/8ScotGov said “Hate Crime legislation... sends a message to victims, perpetrators & wider society that hate crime is not acceptable & will not be tolerated”. It’s just a different message about misogynistic hate crime.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 11th 2021
#BinTheBill today.
Hear from #IAmTheStorm @JennyMarra
"Hate is now such a contested term, and I am worried that members of the Parliament are complacent about the atmosphere in which
"women are currently arguing that sex continues to matter in shaping their experiences of the world.
I know that from my experiences over the past two years.
I was branded online as hateful for questioning NHS Scotland’s policy that stated that a baby’s gender was
"assigned at birth. I know that not to be true and that my son’s own sex was clearly observed and recorded at birth, but for that to be branded as hateful is perhaps an example of the atmosphere that we are operating in.
The campaign group @Womans_Place_UK which submitted
Read 5 tweets
Feb 22nd 2021
The Justice Committee's roundtable evidence session on freedom of expression protections in the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill starts in five minutes and can be viewed here:… #HateCrimeBill
Welcome from Committee Convener Adam Tomkins MSP. Joined by a significant number of witnesses. Grateful to everyone for making the time to be with us.
Only item to consider options for an amendment on freedom of expression (FoE). AT wants to remind everyone they are here to talk only about this one issue. Not prepared to reopen any other aspect of the Bill.
Read 87 tweets

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