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Feb 21st 2021
As was the cast with the rest of the metro, Scott County shifted well to the left in 2020. Biden ran 8.6 points ahead of Clinton's 2016 loss to Trump in the county. Still a red county, but the DFL stopped the streak of 3 straight cycles where the county shifted right.
The shift wasn't exactly unexpected. The DFL has made gains where the population has grown. In addition, Biden's 2020 performance among white Catholics helped here.
Smith ran a couple points behind her 2018 margin, but still improved vs her statewide performance. Klobuchar is a good demonstration of what the DFL needs to do in the long run to flip the county: win Prior Lake.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 1st 2020
Back at it with State Legislative Campaign Fundraising, we're finishing off Minnesota tonight with the State House! Let's get to it!

John Persell (DFL, Inc)- RAISED: $13,658 ON HAND: $20,295
Matt Bliss (R)- RAISED: $15,256 ON HAND: $19,023

@CNalysis Rating: Tilt DFL
This Bemidji-area district went to Trump by 12 and Walz by 1 and featured one of Minnesota's closest State House elections in 2018. Persell won by 8 votes in 2018 and it's shaping up to be another close one in 2020!
Read 58 tweets

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