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Oct 15th 2021
#takebackBritain update. All day, and all through the night, the emails are rolling in. I'm so glad I did it this way, with an email address, and not a form on a website. Because people are writing to me. Not just registering. They are telling me their stories.
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They are sharing their horror. Their disbelief. Their outrage. And they are speaking up for a Britain with values. Compassion and integrity and fairness and accountability. And above all honesty. There is a great Britain in their minds, and this ain't it.
There is a future they want for themselves or their children or their grandchildren, and this ain't it. The passion is real ("I've never despised a government before.") ...
Read 6 tweets
Oct 14th 2021
#takebackBritain update. I'm bowled over by the emails coming in - amazing people, amazing organisations, standing by, ready to take action against this failed regime. Incredible.
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What's really striking is that so many people have taken the trouble not just to register their readiness, but to explain why. Sometimes at length. The frustration and outrage is palpable, and so well articulated.
Taken together, these emailed letters are an indictment of our times. But they are also a measure of the true "spirit of Britain" so disgracefully appropriated by our dear leader. The true spirit is alive and motivated. Ready to mobilise and ready to roar.
Read 6 tweets

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