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Aug 1st 2021
If I was @benwakana46, this is what I would do:

1. Mask-hatten Project to deliver N100 elastomeric masks to every man, woman, and child in the USA like the British did in WWII. Use the DPA to get this done.

2. School-hatten Project to put good quality portable HEPA filters
every single classroom. Lunch tents outside every school. Be creative.

3. PublicVent-hatten - portable HEPA filters in every public facility.

4. Truth-hatten
4a. saturate the airways with actual footage of ICU's. Interviews with nurses. Show the damn truth.
Show people getting intubated. Show them dying in their own mucus - only with full written consent, of course.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 12th 2021
Demasking America. Done by @CDCDirector , #HenryWalke, in a stunning abrogation of their responsibilities to Americans.

To public health.

This is a barn-burner. A must read.

A few highlights.
Ed pointed out something that I had been searching for both in reading and in my writing.

Walensky framed the demasking in terms of individual responsibility.
Her nauseating tweet from the stately pleasure domes of the elites' Xanadu.

Read 5 tweets
Jun 9th 2021
Masks work.

From: "Face masks effectively limit the probability of SARS-CoV-2 transmission"…
@CDCDirector #HenryWalke

Turns out universal masking (on all,@UniversalMaski2), works much better than just as source control.

Thank goodness you killed that! Image
Read 4 tweets

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