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Oct 27th 2021
When we hear someone's rights have been violated, it's natural to want to help. Before you give advice, please refer to this infographic. Image description was too long so it follows.

#DisInHigherEd #AcademicAbleism #DEHEM21 #HigherEdLovesToViolateADA #HigherEd Too long for Twitter apparently. Alt text is posted after in
Infographic. At the top is a stop sign and large text that reads, “Before you give advice about denied accommodations…” Then there is a dividing line. Text reads, “Are you recommending suing?” and there are the following sentences, “Unless you are offering to pay for
legal advice and cover all legal expenses or offer your services as a disability lawyer pro-bono, stop. Unless you know a lawyer or a law firm willing to take on a university or college, stop. Many professors, departments, and institutions will violate a disabled person’s rights
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