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Feb 13th 2020
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Wesley Felix is releasing audio of a recorded conversation that he identifies as a purchaser of a stolen firearm from his family’s Las Vegas gun store.

The firearm, he says, was stolen during a scandalous takedown of his store by ATF.

• Edits are made for safety/privacy
• Info in the call aligns with documentation @wesleyfelixpsi has provided in the past
• Wesley has already turned this info over to LV LE

For safety reasons, his and ours, we did not attempt to call the alleged purchaser.

pic = receipt
As a reminder, Wesley accuses Julie Shields (pictured below) of being a confidential informant, aiding ATF Agents (also in picture) in a fraudulent takedown of the Las Vegas store.

He claims that over 2k firearms were plundered; concerns about sales to cartels, ie Fast & Furious
Read 11 tweets
Jun 17th 2019
Imagine having a son that work for Border Patrol:

• Responded to Brian Terry’s murder & helped retrieve his body

• Tells Terry family gvt lied to them about nature of his death

• unexpectedly dies in own home; ‘accidental overdose’ = COD


Now imagine being the parent that

• restricted from collecting his belongings & elec. devices

• receiving incomplete & nonsensical investigative & autopsy records

• hired PI that get so spooked that they ‘disappear’ & stop contact during the investigation
There is way more to the story and media hasn’t even touched it.

So Dawn (and others) have grouped together to hold a press conference on July 3rd in DC - they hope that collectively, they will gain media’s attention.

Please consider helping.

Read 9 tweets

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