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Apr 13th 2018
My keynote talk to the International Journalism Festival #ijf18 in thread form. The title is 'Optimizing Journalism for Trust.' 1/
In a book called 'Politics and Vision,' the philosopher Sheldon Wolin said that when there is vision, “things appear in their corrected fullness.” This helps explain what I mean by optimizing for trust in journalism. It is a vision toward which we have to move. 2/
Trust can no longer be assumed. Its continuous production has to be designed in. Nor does trust any longer follow from industry practice. American journalists used to say that you “had” credibility if you kept to the rules of good practice. That doesn’t work anymore. 3/
Read 29 tweets
Apr 13th 2018
"La tecnologia È contenuto", dice giustamente @massimo_russo #IJF18
@massimo_russo La tecnologia diventa esperienza dell'utente e accresce la fiducia nell'organo di stampa digitale @massimo_russo #IJF18
@massimo_russo La tecnologia diventa piattaforma di comunità, il giornale diventa il centro della comunità abilitato dalla tecnologia @massimo_russo #IJF18
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