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Apr 24th 2023
Last week I spoke at @journalismfest on how open-source intelligence is used to combat propaganda and uncover new information during Russia's war on Ukraine. Thank you for having me.

I promised to share a list of links to tools and sources. Here it is (I hope it helps) 👇 Image
I often share digital investigation skills, cases and sources at events to help remotely answer core questions such as:
WHERE & WHEN did it happen?
WHAT happened?
WHO is responsible?
And HOW can it be visualised?

So let's start with the case studies.
1: - our community effort to document, verify and map Russia's invasion of Ukraine and share this info with the world.

Collaboration is key for this, from @Cen4infoRes @bellingcat @C4ADS incl volunteer groups @GeoConfirmed, GeoMouse and more.
Read 24 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
Kicking off this fabulous panel on the importance of community networks for climate journalism. Chaired by our own @MitaliLive, it features @jessicaEdavis @USATODAY, @gufalei @pulitzercenter and @KKropshofer @Netzwerk_Klima #ijf23

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🧵Key points Image
"Climate is such an important part of our daily lives that it should be embedded in our news products," says @jessicaEdavis, one of the members of the Oxford Climate Journalism Network #ijf23
",@Netzwerk_Klima was born out our our sense of frustration when seeing our pitches and stories were not taken seriously," says @KKropshofer #ijf23
Read 11 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
Kicking off this panel on declining trust in media. Featuring our own @eduardosuarez @elodievialle
from @PENamerica, @brianstelter from @ShorensteinCtr, @lvzwestcott from @pressfreedom
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@eduardosuarez @elodievialle @PENamerica @brianstelter @ShorensteinCtr @lvzwestcott @pressfreedom "Sometimes the decline in trust in news is not because of journalism. We know for a fact that trust in news goes hand in hand with trust in institutions and trust in governments," says @eduardosuarez #ijf23
@eduardosuarez @elodievialle @PENamerica @brianstelter @ShorensteinCtr @lvzwestcott @pressfreedom "We have to acknowledge that bad journalism has a really bad impact, especially in disadvantaged communities," says @eduardosuarez, citing our latest Trust in News report #ijf23
Read 16 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
Another jam-packed day in Perugia. Here are some highlights from #ijf23 thus far Image
"AI will have profound impacts on newsrooms and jobs, and we should see this moment as an opportunity to consider how we approach AI and also to rethink what journalism is for..."…
Vox's @MelissaBell gets it: "News avoidance doesn't stem from info overload as much as from the fact that people feel disempowered." Constant bad news leaves people feeling defeated. These problems are also big opportunities for news outlets Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
Kicking off this panel on whether governments can, will and should save independent journalism. Our own @rasmus_kleis moderates the talk featuring our dear @MeeraSelva1 from @Internews and @jodieginsberg from @pressfreedom

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📍Key points in thread A card with the title of th...
"Journalists shouldn't be naif. They shouldn't expect the people they aspire to hold to account to be the final guarantors of their ability to do so freely. But governments can do a lot to enable the work of independent journalism. It's a choice," says @rasmus_kleis #ijf23
"Funding from governments can take many forms and can produce different types of media capture. But it can also be done in way that useful for independent journalism. It's also important to look to the future: things like AI, upscaling, media literacy," says @rasmus_kleis #ijf23
Read 12 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
🇮🇹 Good morning from Perugia!

📌 We've updated our summary piece with insights from @camposmello @pcheung630 @StyliChara @MelissaBell @GinaSKChua @chrismoranuk and others. Read…
🧵 Talks you shouldn't miss today at #ijf23 in thread… Image
🕜10:00 CEST
🏰 Location: Sala Brugnoli, Palazzo Cesaroni

🌎 Latin America: how to cover a region that is always in crisis

Moderated by our own @eduardosuarez with @mtronderos @CLIP_AmericaLat | @Inzunzarov @Dromomanos | @silviavinas @elhilopodcast… Image
🕜12:00 CEST
🏰 Location: Sala della Vaccara, Palazzo dei Priori

🗞️Can governments save independent journalism? Will they? Should they?

Featuring our own @rasmus_kleis | @jodieginsberg from @pressfreedom | @MeeraSelva1 from @Internews… Image
Read 5 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
Outrageous setting for this powerhouse panel here at #ijf23 with @CharlieBeckett @emilybell @mathewi and @mitrakalita. What now for journalism as the platforms move on? Image
Twitter is now "a train wreck but where every car is a dumpster and they're all on fire. And it's crashing" is a helluva way to kick things off from @mathewi #ijf23
The more platforms we have, the better says @CharlieBeckett. And rethinking our relationships with them is only a good thing. #ijf23
Read 15 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
Kicking off this #ijf23 panel on the business of news. Chaired by our own @rasmus_kleis, it features @MelissaBell from @voxdotcom @StyliChara from @dailymaverick and Cécile Sourd from @Mediapart

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🧵 Key points in thread Image
"It's not that news publishers are finding hard to convince people their content is worth paying for. It's that news publishers are finding hard to convince people their content is worth paying attention to," says @rasmus_kleis #ijf23
Figures from France's @Mediapart shared by Cécile Sourd:

-220K subscribers
-98% of revenue coming from readers
-it's been profitable for 11 years
-neither ads nor subsidies
-no commercial agreements with the platforms #ijf23
Read 12 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
Kicking off today's panel on TikTok journalism at @journalismfest. It's chaired by our own @nicnewman @sophiasgaler @erika_marzano #ijf23

🧑‍🔬 Read our recent report on TikTok…
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.@nicnewman shows some of the charts of our recent report on journalism and TikTok. "News organisations are embracing TikTok to reach younger audiences and to experiment with video formats," he says

More charts here… ImageImageImageImage
"People thought my name was 'Washington' when I started posting as @washingtonpost. It was fun to introduce ourselves to a population who didn’t know anything about us," says @davejorgenson, the brains behind @washingtonpost TikTok account #ijf23
Read 12 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
🌻Good morning from Perugia!

We've just published this piece with a few takeaways Thursday @journalismfest featuring @pafak @Indira_L @NoraYounis @mcaruanagalizia @VianaNatalia @Linaattalah @ndiakopoulos…

📍5 talks you shouldn't miss today #ijf23 Events you shouldn't miss o...
🕙10.00 CEST
🏰Location: Sala delle Colonne, Palazzo Graziani

📱TikTok and the news: how can publishers join the party?

Featuring our own @nicnewman with @davejorgenson from @washingtonpost | @erika_marzano from @dwnews | @sophiasgaler from @VICENews… Image
🕙 10.00
🏰 Hotel Brufani. Sala Raffaello

🇬🇧 Where are the working-class journalists?

@jane__bradley from @nytimes | @RobynVinter from @guardian | @RossalynWarren from @Reuters | @victoriasanusi from @blackgalslivin…
Read 7 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
Kicking off today's talk on climate change coverage at #ijf23. It's hosted by our own @MitaliLive and it features @amrutabyatnal from @TRF @Bilal_A_Mateen from @wellcometrust & @Sondreus from @TheEconomist

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🧵 Key points in thread Counting the dead: lessons ...
"The problem with using official figures for covid is that you can underrepresent the countries with the least resources to fight. This can also happen with climate change ," says @Sondreus from @TheEconomist, presenting this amazing death toll tracker…
Journalist @amrutabyatnal from @TRF speaking about this piece she wrote on the impact of global inequalities on the death toll of the pandemic around the world…
Read 12 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
🌫️ It's our first day @journalismfest #ijf23 in Perugia!
Today's talks feature our own @MitaliLive and @eduardosuarez among many others
📌 Here are the talks you shouldn’t miss today:…
@journalismfest @MitaliLive @eduardosuarez 🕙10.00
🏰Location: Sala Brugnoli, Palazzo Cesaroni.
Counting the dead: lessons from the pandemic for confronting climate change
Featuring our own @MitaliLive with
@amrutabyatnal @TRF | @Bilal_A_Mateen @wellcometrust | @Sondreus @TheEconomist…
@journalismfest @MitaliLive @eduardosuarez @amrutabyatnal @TRF @Bilal_A_Mateen @wellcometrust @Sondreus @TheEconomist 🕚11.00.
🏰Location: Sala della Vaccara, Palazzo dei Priori.
The growth of hybrid media in authoritarian countries
@Dyndykina @romb_news | @SamiullahMahdi @AmuTelevision | @smoshavi and Tinshui Yeung @ICFJ…
Read 7 tweets

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