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Dec 15th 2019
Thread: Here’s the thing, friends. Fighting to save democracy isn’t fun. It’s not convenient. If you’ve found yourself feeling horrified and depressed by the state of our country over the last 3 years, it’s time to roll up your sleeves. If you claim to want Trump out /1
(even more than you dread a Pence White House), then you need to show up. On Tuesday night, ALL OVER THE US, folks are taking to the streets. I know you don’t feel like doing this. Gosh knows I don’t either. But don’t post on social media & vent to your friends and then sit /2
out an opportunity to make an impact. The reason your presence is critical is because the numbers and the visuals matter here and around the world. I look forward to seeing you there with your signs alongside me. And yes, I know, you’d rather be inside in your pjs wrapping /3
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