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Feb 3rd 2020
Who is Anurag Thakur? What is going on with him⁉️

But, we have seen him during cricket matches.🤔 What has this bigot got to do with Indian Cricket Team then?⛔

Well.. read on..

#IndianCricketTeam #TeamIndia .@bcci
.@imVkohli .@msdhoni .@SaketGokhale .@ravishndtv @thewire_in
Anurag Thakur was the President of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (.@BCCI) until "Supreme Court of India Sacked Anurag Thakur" as President on 02/01/2017. 😳

Wait, how did he even get there?? 😲🤷⁉️

#IndianCricketTeam #TeamIndia
#IndiaAganstHate .@BCCIdomestic
Himachal Pradesh had a Cricket Association since 1960, but obsolete. 🚱

So, Anurag tried his luck in Punjab cricket team in 90's. And after failing, he shifted his focus to the cricketing business in Punjab.💸

But, in vain🤷

#IndianCricketTeam #TeamIndia
#IndiaAganstHate @BCCI
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