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Jun 8th 2020
🇮🇳 #IndiaCOVID19Testing (Thread)
↔️8th June Update↔️

🇮🇳 Positivity Rate crossed @WHO recommended 5% on 2nd June

⏩Daily Positivity Rate >> Cumulative Rate

🧐#COVID19 Infections are growing faster than the tests. >>> Positivity Rate increasing.

@ShekharGupta @IndiaToday
Why we need to track Positivity Rate?

@RameshPV2010 answers this in some other tweet:

"Positive yield rate (% testing positive), is a better indicator of effective surveillance, testing strategy, targeted testing, contact tracing, transparent reporting."

Thank you sir :)
🇮🇳 #IndiaCOVID19Testing
↔️9th June Update↔️

🧐#COVID19 Infections (4.35%) are growing faster than the tests (3.22%).
🇮🇳 Positivity Rate (PR) above 5% (@WHO recommends <5%)

Total Samples Tested: 49,16,116
⏩PR: 5.42% ↑

Samples Tested Today: 1,41,682
↗️PR: 7.05%
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