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Oct 10th 2022
Début de l’examen du Projet de Loi de Financement de la Sécurité Sociale en @AN_AfSoc.
➕ de 600 amendements nous attendent pour alimenter le débat du #PLFSS2023. ⤵️ Image
✅ Art. 5️⃣️#PLFSS2023 : Nous aidons les familles pour la garde d'enfants par la révision des aides sociales et fiscales pour l'accueil du jeune enfant (#PAJE) Image
✅Art. 6️⃣️#PLFSS2023 : Dans un souci le lutte contre le #travail dissimulé, nous engageons plus de responsabilités pour le donneur d'ordres.
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Aug 19th 2021
This week FC1 (Filter Cavity [mirror] #1) was installed in the @LIGOWA's new HAM7 vacuum chamber for the new @LIGO A+ Filter Cavity.
FC1 is a triple suspension mirror. This work was also installed in @LIGOWA's NEW "Mega Cleanroom"!
#GravitationalWaves #LIGO @NSF #NSF
Here the HAM7 #vacuum chamber is partially opened up. The FC1 suspension is shyly hiding inside it's protective cover as TJ (Lead Operator), Travis Sadecki (Operations Specialist), & Rahul Kumar (Suspension [SUS] Detector Engineer) prepare for installation.
FC1 Uncovered!
This @LIGO Triple Suspension currently has a "dummy weight" suspended at the bottom, this "dummy" will be replaced with its mirror next! TJ is in this photo.
Read 10 tweets

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