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Sep 4th 2022
1/n September Pulmonary Fibrosis controversy thread about #IPFandGERD preprint from Dr. Cosetta Minelli's group: Two tweets from really good people say "GERD Causes IPF" (@IPFdoc, @drcjar), and a 3rd (@LungDrE) says: "Not based on your data".

Who is right?
2/n I read the preprint (…); A Mendelian Randomization (MR) study using summary stats of GERD GWAS… & IPF GWAS meta-analysis….
Shows OR of 1.6 GERD➡️IPF & 0.99 IPF➡️GERD. So what do I think?

3/n #IPFandGERD Paper obviously needs #PeerReview. But there is context.
As a non-expert, in reading Mendelian Randomization studies I go back to the superb Guide to reading Mendelian randomization studies from Prof Davey Smith & team. Especially that 👇🏼…
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