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Mar 15th 2021
March 15 (Reuters) - Iran released images and film footage on Monday of what it said was a new Revolutionary Guards base armed with cruise and ballistic missiles and "electronic warfare" equipment.
@USABehFarsi #IRGCTerrorWithoutBorder…
While efforts to revive the JCPOA failed, the Revolutionary Guards unveiled a new missile city.
@jrpsaki @stateDept @USABehFarsi @SecBlinken @KamalaHarris @JanetYellen @SecDef @jakejsullivan @wendyrsherman @JohnKerry @mikepompeo @ExtSpoxEU #IRGCTerrorWithoutBorder
The equipment is being displayed while the Revolutionary Guards are accused of being involved in sabotage operations using mines and magnetic bombs in the UAE port of Fujairah in May 2019.
#IRGCTerrorWithoutBorder @eu_eeas @JosepBorrellF @GermanyDiplo
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