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Jan 31st 2022
As Jan. 2022 draws to a close, we focus on the #Irob minority of #Tigray. Jan. 7 was the 1️⃣ year anniversary of the #IrobMassacre by 🇪🇷 forces in which at least 72 people were killed as they celebrated Christmas.

More on the massacre while under 🇪🇷 occupation since Nov. 2020👇🏾
Without electricity, telecommunication services, the internet & access to most of the district, Irob remains largely cut off from the rest of the world. But we know the #Irob continue to face an existential threat under #Eritrea|n occupation. 
#IrobMassacre #AllowAccessToTigray
We honor all the victims of the #IrobMassacre, known and yet to be accounted for. We also honor and remember those who were kidnapped during #Eritrea’s last occupation of #Irob (1998-2000) who are never forgotten.
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