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Oct 31st 2022
🧵 I’ve seen people discuss this moment and I wanted to offer something that I noted. I believe that episode 7 takes place during Mardi Gras 1939, so February 21. On February 20, 1939 there was a large Pro Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden. #IWTV Image
Me and some others did the math and decided on 1939 back when the teasers of the trio offering what seem like introductory speeches dropped.
The rally at MSG in 1939 touted 20,000 attendees. They were countered by thousands of protesters in the streets outside.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
As someone whose background is theatrical study and performance (primarily classical), I want to talk about the nature of adaption as it relates to well-known texts, and how the #iwtv writers citing theatrical experience as a requirement is key to understanding the show.
Adaptation is its own skill set and this is an adaptation. The contextualization of Louis' blackness and the explicit queerness is the result of creative choices from Rolin and his team and that changes the rules at a baseline for the entirety of the series as it progresses.
When working with classical texts like Shakespeare, you are saddled with hundreds of years of history and historical context inherent in the work. There are different versions, there are omissions, there are
a variety of scenarios as it pertains to framing, etc.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
You asked, we answered! Here are some responses to the questions you guys generously contributed a few weeks ago… #IWTV #InterviewWithTheVampire #QandA
Q: @emos_que asked if we referenced Tintoretto in 102 because he painted the Martyrdom of St. Paul.
A: We picked Tintoretto because we wanted a contemporary in the Venetian school. The connection to St. Paul is inadvertent but very cool!
Read 23 tweets
Oct 22nd 2022

#iwtv #InterviewWithTheVampire
research takes time so have patience, I promise I'll finish this someday

READ the ALT texts because I'll put additional information there. It's IMPOSSIBLE to work with 280 characters

if I make any grammar mistakes: don't be a bitch. I have no respect for this language.

lets go
In 1897, a district was established where prostitution was legal in an attempt to monitor and keep it out of the city of New Orleans.

Named Storyville because of its first alderman, Sidney Story, the district became known as the birthplace of jazz. black and white photograph ...postcard produced between 1...
Read 24 tweets

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