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Feb 18th 2023
John Glenn became first American to orbit earth this week 1962:
Ted Williams as John Glenn’s wingman during Korean War:
John Glenn (third from left) and other Mercury astronauts train in desert 1960:
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Dec 30th 2022
Solarium atop White House, 1960:
Nixon family in Solarium, White House, at the end, 1974:
Under Kennedys, White House rooftop Solarium was used as schoolroom for Caroline and friends: #JFKL
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Oct 11th 2022
JFK signs treaty to ban nuclear testing in atmosphere, outer space and underwater, this week 1963, Treaty Room, White House: #JFKL Image
White House upstairs Treaty Room was created by Jacqueline Kennedy, including Victorian furniture and wallpaper patterned on design in Petersen House, where Lincoln was taken from Ford's Theatre. Decor was removed under Barbara and George Bush--now President's private office.
White House upstairs Treaty Room, after George H.W. Bush and Barbara removed Jacqueline Kennedy's Victorian decor: Image
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Sep 28th 2022
Presidents from 1969 to 1993, photographed in White House Blue Room before Nixon, Ford and Carter flew to Egypt for funeral of Anwar Sadat, October 1981: Image
At House Speaker Sam Rayburn's burial in Texas, November 1961, the Presidents from 1945 to 1969--Truman, Eisenhower, Johnson, Kennedy: #JFKL Image
Sam Rayburn's gravestone, Bonham, Texas, features an image of his House Speaker's gavel and his nickname "Mr. Sam": Image
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Sep 25th 2022
Lassen Volcanic National Park visited by JFK and California Governor Pat Brown, this week 1963: #JFKL
JFK greeted by Boy Scouts on Northwestern "conservation" trip this week 1963:
JFK in Las Vegas, this week 1963:
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Sep 15th 2022
FDR Jr., Jackie and JFK watch America's Cup, Newport, sixty years ago today: #JFKL
John Kerry, age eighteen, makes appearance at Newport with JFK in background, sixty years ago today:
John Kerry moves in closer to President and First Lady:
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Feb 23rd 2022
Much of historic Lafayette Square, facing North Portico of the White House, was slated for demolition and replacement by grim and faceless office buildings before Jackie Kennedy helped to save it, 1961-1962: #JFKL
Yes, she is wearing that same suit.
Jackie Kennedy’s famous pink suit was actually an imitation Chanel design by a New York boutique called Chez Ninon, which allowed her to save money and also say she was buying American.
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Feb 14th 2022
Jacqueline Kennedy's wildly popular TV tour of newly-restored White House aired on Valentine's Day 1962, sixty years ago today: #JFKL
TV Guide on Jackie’s White House tour, aired sixty years ago today:
JFK later joked privately that he had “cried” over what he considered to be his wooden cameo appearance in Jackie’s TV White House tour, aired sixty years ago today:
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Feb 1st 2022
Jacqueline Kennedy and her children on sleigh, South Grounds, White House, sixty years ago this month: #JFKL Image
White House stables, late 1850s: Image
White House stables burned this month 1864. A guard in the East Room recalled that President Lincoln wept, noting that one of the horses killed had belonged to his dead son WIllie. Lincoln had rushed to the stable trying in vain to save his son's horse.
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Oct 20th 2021
JFK and newly-elected Senator Ted Kennedy at Boston Democratic fundraiser to support President’s 1964 re-election, tonight 1963:
“All New England Salute Dinner” for JFK, Boston, tonight 1963, menu and program:
JFK in crowd at Harvard-Columbia game, Boston, today 1963: #JFKL
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Sep 25th 2021
LBJ welcomes Danny Kaye, Judy Garland, Carol Burnett and Richard Adler to his Vice Presidential office (with bathroom visible), November 1962: #JFKL Image
Danny Kaye enjoys a sit in JFK’s rocking chair with Presidential portrait in Oval Office, November 1962 (with Kennedy’s military aide General Chester Clifton as minder): Image
Judy Garland enjoys a smoke while leaning against Resolute desk, while JFK and Dave Powers shoot the breeze with Danny Kaye, November 1962. From White House, JFK sometimes called Garland in L.A. and asked her to sing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” to him over telephone: #JFKL Image
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Aug 24th 2021
Biden is now speaking from Roosevelt Room at White House, previously (before Nixon) called the “Fish Room” (here under JFK, including billfish he caught on honeymoon with Jackie in 1953): #JFKL
On wall of Fish Room under JFK was head of deer that LBJ had goaded him to kill on his ranch after 1960 election—Kennedy had hoped never to see it again but Johnson insisted that the head be mounted on Oval Office or other West Wing wall.
After the 1960 deer hunt on LBJ Ranch, JFK told a friend that deer hunting should not be considered a sport until the deer was given a gun.
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Jun 11th 2021
During a crucial, partially-improvised Oval Office speech, JFK declares civil rights "a moral issue" and that he will send comprehensive bill to Congress, tonight 1963: #JFKL
Medgar Evers, World War II veteran and NAACP field secretary in Mississippi, was shot to death outside his home, hours after the civil rights speech JFK gave tonight 1963:
Medgar Evers (at left in 1961 photo) with JFK at White House:
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Apr 21st 2021
Library in Hartford, Connecticut, house of Mark Twain, who died today 1910:
Mark Twain might have felt at home in the upstairs Treaty Room at the White House. as restored by Jacqueline Kennedy, 1962: #JFKL
This is what the Treaty Room at the White House looked like under Eisenhower, before Jacqueline Kennedy transformed it: #JFKL
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