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Jan 24th 2023

The first time A-Cheng said "no" to Baba, JFM almost had a mental breakdown.

It was dinnertime. JFM had been away from almost a month due to a discussion conference and the consecutive bad weather that prevented him from coming home (the horror 😭😭).
Now he was happy to be home, and the family enjoyed a private welcoming dinner, with a special dance performance by A-Li and A-Cheng 🥰🥰

The food was delish, the performance adorable, and his Lady was dressed in her favorite dark purple robes that enunciate her elegance.
JFM was a happy, happy man 🥰🥰

Though, there was something strange. In the middle of the kids' performance, JFM noticed an additional seating pillow next to him.

"Hm? My Lady, is Wei Ying joining us tonight?"

Sometimes his godson joined their dinner, because his parents away
Read 13 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
#JiangHappyFamily modern au
little a-cheng is learning to cook 🥰🥰 (it went as well as expected)
One afternoon, little JC entered JFM's study wearing a cute frilly apron and headband, with his tufty bangs tied up in a ribbon.

JFM almost had a seizure upon seeing the ultra
cute getup (WCZ, a reliable right-hand man that he was, immediately took pictures on his phone & shared them with the members of the Jiang fam).

"What did I do to be visited by such a cute angel?" 🥹 JFM cooed.

JC giggled. "Baba, A-Cheng brings you snacks! I made them for you!"
JFM, "You made snacks? For Baba?" 🥹

"Uh-huh!" JC handed him a tinie silver tray with a covered plate in it. "I made it all morning!"

JFM blinked back his tears (his A-Cheng grew up every day🤧). WCZ switched to video mode to record this moment.

JFM opened the plate cover.
Read 27 tweets
May 15th 2022

JFM saw all these "maid" pictures and wanted to participate. He dig around his phone and posted all of A-Cheng maid pics.

"Be it maid costume or son, my A-Cheng is the cutest maid of all."😤

He didn't realize all the costumes had a slut factor in it.
(JC had a popular only*fans and he always asked JFM to take his trial pics, trying out the look of the costume and all. If the costume looked good, JC took it to NHS for pro photoshoot.

JC never lied to his dad. JFM simply assumed his A-Cheng still loved playing dress up 🥰)
*since JFM took the trial pics, he definitely had ALL of A-Cheng's costume pics, even the costumes that didn't make it to the official acc.

JFM had the mind to take the post down once he realized they seemed to attract unwanted attention (😡) but the few that people managed to
Read 5 tweets
May 11th 2022

JC made his first nest when he was 4 y.o.

He made it on JFM's lap.

JFM sat crosslegged at the Lotus Throne for 3 days, tearing up every time JC came for a nap, commissioned 3 painters to immortalize the event, until finally JC moved his nest.
JFM, as JC toddled away with a bunch of nest material in his arms, followed by indulging WWX & JYL: My baby is growing up and is leaving his nest 😭😭🤧🤧

YZY, had found JC rummaging thru her closet just this morning: he's just moving to a more /comfy/ place 😤
One day, liddol JC toddled toddled to the Lotus Throne Room.

It was not unusual. After all, Jiang-zongzhu was knowns to be a (too) indulgent father. So even though it was in the middle of a sect meeting, the council and elites paid no mind to the little chubby gongzi who
Read 32 tweets

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