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May 10th 2023
#Efemérides #TalDíaComoHoy #OnThisDay #DOTD #Actress #JoanCrawford

Hilo de 19 tweets.


Hoy, 10 de mayo, murió Lucille Fay Le Sueur, JOAN CRAWFORD (n. 1904), actriz de cine y televisión.

Ganadora de un Óscar, en 1945, fue la 10ª estrella femenina del Cine. ImageImageImage
Una de las grandes actrices de Hollywood, se mantuvo en la cumbre a lo largo de casi 5 décadas a base de una poderosa ambición, mucho trabajo y una gran capacidad de adaptación, un caso de supervivencia único en el mundo del cine.

Con veinte años se marchó a Nueva York y ImageImage
actuó en Broadway como corista.

Harry Rapf, un ejecutivo de la Metro Goldwyn Mayer, la contrató y poco después debutó en el cine con “Pretty ladies” (1925), en la que apareció con su verdadero nombre.

En sus primeras películas trabajó en papeles secundarios y protagonizó ImageImageImage
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Apr 1st 2022
#PreCodeApril thread for 2022. Please check the hashtag regularly - it was an absolute treasure trove last year.

This is my Pre-Code Films list on @letterboxd. If you’re looking for recommendations, the top 90 or so are in approximate order of preference.…
This is my provisional #PreCodeApril @letterboxd Watchlist for 2022. Includes three favourites, the rest will all be first time watches.…
Read 296 tweets
Nov 28th 2021

"An ambitious actor, Lester Blane, previously rejected as 'not handsome' enough for the lead in a new play by millionaire Myra Hudson, he 'accidentally' meets her on a train for San Francisco, and sweeps her off her feet. Smitten by his charms, she marries him."

"After their marriage, quite unintentionally, Myra records a conversation between Lester and his lover Irene, as they plot to murder her because Lester thinks her new will leaves him nothing. They have only a weekend to kill her, before her new will is notarised."
#GloriaGrahame "Myra concocts a plan to kill Lester and blame Irene, with complex timing—to assure herself is an alibi— she she dresses like Irene. Lester finds out she's knows their plan, and he chases her in his car through the streets of San Francisco."
Read 6 tweets
Nov 6th 2021
#OTD 1991 – Gene Tierney, 70, US actress (b. 1920)

She spent two years at a Swiss International School, and learned fluent French. In 1936 she visited Warner's studios, (where her mother's cousin was a producer), and met Anatole Litvak, who told her she should become an actress.
#OTD 1991 – Gene Tierney, 70, US actress (b. 1920)

Film debut: Return of Frank James (1940) Hudson's Bay * Tobacco Road * Belle Starr * Sundown * Shanghai Gesture (all 1941) Son of Fury: The Story of Benjamin Blake * Rings on Her Fingers * Thunder Birds * China Girl (all 1942)
#OTD 1991 – Gene Tierney, 70, US actress (b. 1920)

Heaven Can Wait (1943) Laura (1944) Bell for Adano * Leave Her to Heaven (1945 OscarNom) Dragonwyck * Razor's Edge (both 1946) Ghost and Mrs Muir (1947) Iron Curtain (1948) Wonderful Urge (1948) Whirlpool * Night and City (1950)
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Apr 1st 2021
So this month's themed film viewing will be American films from 1930 -1934 as part of @FilmFan1971's #PreCodeApril initiative. Expect lots of gangsters, sex and scandal! Image
Born Reckless (1930, John Ford)
Part-Gangster, part-WW1 movie + a few musical numbers thrown in & all in 76 mins! A judge gives gangster Louis (Edmund Lowe) the choice of prison or war, chooses war. On his return he opens a nightclub & gets caught up in crime again. #PreCodeApril Image
The Doorway to Hell (1930, Archie Mayo)
Louie (Lew Ayres) a ruthless gangster tries to go straight after getting married but gets sucked back in. His right-hand-man Mileaway (James Cagney) tries to help. Cagney's charisma is electric, this was his 2nd screen role. #PreCodeApril ImageImage
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Jun 20th 2020
#BornthisDay June 20, 1911 #actress & #StyleIcon Gail Patrick. Known for movies eg My Favourite Wife 1940, Stage Door 1937, My Man Godfrey 1936, became TV producer later life responsible Perry Mason. Often cast as haughty other woman in movies- great style legacy as result!
Some more studio shots of Gail by Everett etc.

#BornthisDay June 20, 1911 #actress & #StyleIcon Gail Patrick

#vintagefashion #style #dresses #boudoir #gowns #furs #robes

Quit academic/law career for Hollywood-paid $50 wk neg to $75. Early roles inc 'Murders in the Zoo' 1933, 'Death Takes a Holiday' (blonde) 1934 -remade as ''Meet Joe Black'- 'One Hour Late' 1934 & 'Mississippi' 1935
#BornthisDay June 20, 1911 #actress #StyleIcon Gail Patrick
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Mar 23rd 2020
#BornthisDay 23 March c1905 #StyleIcon #actress one greatest stars 20thC #cinema, #JoanCrawford.
Winning Academy Award famous role #MildredPierce many other #filmnoir dramatic & comedic roles. Starred movies #1920s- 1970s #vintagefashion 1/8
#BornthisDay 23 March c1905 #StyleIcon #actress #cinema, #JoanCrawford. Started as body double Norma Shearer, after winning lots Charleston competitions. Not afraid being seen as flapper "If you want to see the girl next door, go next door." #vintagefashion #1920s #1930s 2/8
#BornthisDay 23 March c1905 #StyleIcon #actress #cinema, #JoanCrawford. Her early roles endeared her to legion female fans to whom she epitomized independence & glamour they aspired to. #1920s #1930s #vintage #fashion #style 3/8
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