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Jun 26th 2020

1. Born in Barbastro, Spain, on January 9, 1902, St Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer y Albas was the second of six children of Jose and Dolores Escriva, and grew up in a devout

#StJosemariaEscriva #June26 #OpusDei #CatholicTwitter Image
2. Catholic family environment.

From 1918 onwards, feeling called, St Josemaria studied for the priesthood. His father died in 1924, and, being now head of the family, he moved his mother and siblings to Madrid with him. Here he ministered to the faithful, having been ordained
3. a priest.

In the late 1920s, he founded Opus Dei, an institution within the Catholic Church dedicated to helping people in all walks of life to follow Christ, to seek holiness in their daily life and grow in love for God and their fellow men and women.
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