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Oct 3rd 2019
Ok. So. All kinds of feels here. And three critical thoughts. 1/ #BothamShemJean #Forgiveness #JusticeForBotham #grief
First, #Feels:
Not again!!! Not again, Lord!!! Not again does the system get to minimize Black life by giving a white murderer such s light sentence!!! Not again do we have to endure tragedy of Black forgiveness!!!!! I can barely take it anymore, Lord! #JusticeForBothamJean 2/
Thought 1: If you were silent when #BothamShemJean was shot dead while eating ice cream on his couch then YOU DONT GET TO SPEAK NOW. #Shutupaboutforgiveness Your voice is a #clangingsymbol #standdown. You forfeited the right to speak now when you chose silence then. 3/
Read 7 tweets
Sep 27th 2019
I was a police officer for 15 years.

If #AmberGuyger performed CPR after shooting #BothamJean in the chest, she’d have blood on her hands, on her uniform, & on the phone she was using her hands to text with.

She. Is. Lying.

I’m most grateful that even as hard as this case is, the majority of dialogue on this thread has been sincere & respectful. We are all entitled to our beliefs, and I’m glad to see that most everyone is conveying their opinions respectfully! We can always agree to disagree!
THE JURY FOUND #AmberGuyger GUILTY!!!!!!

Thank you, Texas, for upholding justice!!!!!! #JusticeForBotham
Read 4 tweets

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