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Feb 27th 2022
I want to spotlight some of the amazing original art reward tiers we have available for the Stomped Kaiju Comic Anthology Issue 3 Kickstarter.

The first is a B/W digital commission by @TNerocrane for only $50! You pick any character(s)! Only 5 available. ImageImageImageImage
Next up is a grayscale, 6x9” traditional commission by me. Any character you’d like (doesn’t have to be a giant monster). OC’s with existing reference are fine! Only $75 - cheaper than my usual asking price, plus you get the comic! Only 15 left. #Kickstarter #kaiju ImageImageImageImage
For $150 I’m offering full color 6x9” commissions, drawn using markers and/or watercolors (my choice). Only 9 of these left. This Kickstarter will fill up my commission list for the year, so if you want some art, don’t miss out! ImageImageImageImage
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Apr 3rd 2020
@WhoWouldWin13 Heck yes!!

First thing we have to consider here is the Emperor Sea Strider's weaponry. Its a giant bipedal animal that stands 620 feet tall (the documentary version is a whole lot shorter, but the image above is from the book, so I'll base this on the bigger book version).
@WhoWouldWin13 It walks perpetually on the Amoebic "Sea", a giant collection of micro-organisms that now and again reached out to grab the flying young of the Emperor Sea Strider (among other flying creatures). The Emperor Sea Strider pays it back with each stomp, for its mouths are located
@WhoWouldWin13 on its feet, and they can take a big chomp out of the sea with each footfall. Now one reason why it can get so big, and yet not sink into the "sea" is because the Emperor Sea Strider is an alien animal from Darwin IV, a planet much smaller than earth. With less gravity, there's
Read 22 tweets
Dec 22nd 2018
#Godzilla: #FinalWars is a little too polished for my tastes. #TooMuchBlood #NeedsMoreKaiju less #FakeAssMagnumPI

"You have the power to master the entire universe...and yet you side with cows" #dialog #Magic #kaigu @Elreynetwork #Durham #GreenvilleSC
Godzilla: Haw!
#MechaGhidorah might come in handy at some point. #kaiju #Godzilla
Read 23 tweets
Dec 22nd 2018
It's time: #Godzilla v. #Destoroyah! Scientist 2 meddling kids: First u warn me to not make an oxygen destroyer. Now U want me to make one! #kidsthesedays @Elreynetwork #kaiju
I said I could make one. I didn't say it would be easy. #Godzilla v. #Destoroyah @Elreynetwork #kaiju
Ooh-this movie ha=is #graphic sensitive viewers' warning! @Elreynetwork on the scourge of magamonster violence. #Killitwithfire #Kaiju #cadmiummissles #Godzilla
Read 42 tweets
Jul 20th 2018
Alright, let's take a closer look at some of these pencil tests from Akira! Look at this amazing tracking shot! That tunnel! I bet a lot of folks assume this was 3D CGI but NOPE. It was hand drawn!
#Akira #Akira30 #アキラ #PencilTest #2DAnimation #Sakuga
This is such a complex shot. Everything is in motion and shifting in proper perspective so dynamically. The sense of speed and movement are incredible. This isn't a dry technical exercise either. Every frame is full of VITALITY!
#Akira #Akira30 #アキラ
Look at those exquisitely drawn speed lines in the pencil test that didn't even make it into the final film! They probably would have drawn too much attention to themselves if they were inked, but you can still FEEL them in the finished shot!
#Akira #Akira30 #アキラ
Read 19 tweets

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