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Jul 13th 2019
This is a thread about Jewish eateries on the #LowerEastSide of Manhattan: #KatzsDelicatessen, #YonahSchimmelKnishery, and #RussandDaughtersAppetizers.

So, of course, it is also a thread about #immigration.
@KatzsDeli, 205 E. Houston St. Already famed for pastrami, Katz's was immortalized in #WhenHarryMetSally, and yesterday held a fake orgasm contest. Opened by others in 1888; Willy Katz became part owner in 1903, cousin Benny Katz joined 1910, and it's been Katz's ever since. #LES
@YonahSchimmelNY, 137 E. Houston St. Yonah Schimmel, a Romanian rabbi, operated a pushcart at Coney Island starting in 1895, and opened his shop in its present location in 1910. The best potato knish anywhere. Don't @ me. #LES
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