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Mar 24th 2019
Maybe unconsciously I have given myself no break during several weeks I have spent in Homestead. Although unlike at Tornillo, I leave at night, only 2 rtn in morning, parking across from main entrance & unloading chairs and stepladders and banners from the back of my car.1/7
No break, in some sort of acknowledgment of the indefinite prison term the children inside suffer and live. Marty keeps trying to get me to take a drive with him down to Key Largo for a nice lunch, and so far, it always seems to me that I will be gone too long.2/7
I am being foolish. Even with frequent visits to the place along the fence, where we set up our stepladders and wave and exchange gestures with the kids inside, no one would miss me for a couple of hours. The guards, who ring the perimeter and watch us all the time... 3/7
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