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May 9th 2023
"Swiss authorities brokered the controversial emergency rescue of Credit Suisse by UBS for 3 billion Swiss francs ($3.37 billion) over the course of a weekend in March."

Körner was born in Germany in 1962 and has both German and Swiss citizenship.…
🔹️1862: UBS founded
🔹️1985: Acquisition of S.G. Warburg & Co. for the price of US$1.4 billion
🔹️1994: Warburg/Morgan Stanley. SBC merged the firm with its own... to create SBC Warburg.
🔹️1997: SBC paid US$600 million to acquire Dillon, Read & Co.
Siegmund George Warburg: The firm SG Warburg & Co. was acquired by #SwissBankCorp creating SBC #Warburg in 1995.

After the merger of SBC with UBS AG, rebranded UBS. He was also simultaneously a partner in the US investment bank #KuhnLoeb from 1953... 🚩…
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