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May 24th 2023
BREAKING: After passing the House, a bill in Louisiana that would have banned pediatric sex changes just failed in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee because 'Republican' State Senator Fred Mills voted with Democrats to kill it.

One look at his donors shows massive…… ImageImage
In other news, I have discovered that Louisiana Republican Senator Fred Mills who just singlehandedly killed a bill to ban transing children also used to dress in drag for commercials for his pharmacy.…
For everyone asking this question, the answer is that he is term limited so the good news is that he will not be in office after the next election.

The #laleg limits senators to three terms.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 28th 2021
Deliberations which began well before the beginning of Louisiana’s legislative session have yielded a meaningful package of tax reform proposals.… @janellecamm #laleg
Legislators aim to lower the state’s individual and corporate income tax rates, begin phasing out the capital stock tax, and bring sales tax centralization across the finish line—all goals that would improve the Pelican State’s tax code.
They are also exploring elimination of the inventory tax, currently abated using state tax credits, which does not eliminate liability for all firms.
Read 31 tweets

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