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Mar 19th 2020
@DOJ_EOIR's latest:
“EOIR further memorializes the following policies in order to encourage immigration judges to resolve as many cases as practicable without the need for a hearing and, thus, to minimize contact among individuals in immigration proceedings. (THREAD 1/4)
Resolve as many cases practicable without the need for a hearing? Is this really a time to push judges to deport people? This is an abomination of #dueprocess. As much as we need to adjust to protect public health through this crisis, it should not be at the demise of justice.
The latest from @DOJ_EOIR gives judges carte blanche authority to not hold hearings. They are using a public health crisis to ramp up the deportation machine and roll it right over #dueprocess rights. #ImmDef wont let this happen without a fight. #LaLuchaContinua #DueProcess4all
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