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Sep 15th 2020
For many of us, the highlight of our research careers is field work. For me research in the field was the thing that made me want to become a #BlackMammalogist. It usually goes well, it sometimes doesn't. What is your greatest #FieldworkFail? @BlkMammalogists
I have had several #Fieldworkfails. There was the tough lesson learned about why I should be anchoring expensive taxidermy mounts to the ground.
There was also that time I got a #leech in my eye @CentreValBio. That black line along the top of my eyelid...that's it. Had to hike 45 min back to camp to get it pulled out. At some stage it got kinda hard to see... #FieldworkFail , #LeechOnMyEyeball Image
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Jul 20th 2020
Today in #fieldwork adventures I was bit by:
- flies
- mosquitoes 🦟
- aquatic beetles
- leeches!!!

First time being bitten by a leech. Yes, I put on waders after that. These are my makeshift bandages. Image
Today’s #fieldwork adventure involved smaller leeches. Just on the hands. Stiiiill bleeds a lot 😂
#leech update - I might be allergic? Bites are swollen, large knots & itch like mad. Real fun on fingers

That happen to anyone else?
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Apr 7th 2020
1) As requested, the next few days posts will focus on the wall art section of the #chronicleofcuriosities exhibition currently under lockdown @whitbymuseum

The wall pieces are ink illustrations on vintage encyclopaedia pages, inspired by the extensive and often over-looked
2) library archive within the museum. Each piece has been expertly framed by the talented Antony Bentley, based in Kirkbymoorside.
This illustration is a leech, inspired by the Tempest Prognosticator.
Dr George Merryweather was a Whitby GP, Curator of Whitby Museum between 1840
3) and 1861, and inventor. In 1850 he invented the “Atmospheric Electromagnetic Telegraph conducted by Animal Instinct” or Tempest Prognosticator – consisting of 12 pint glass bottles, each containing a live leech, set around a circular stand under a bell which was surrounded
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Aug 11th 2019
#leech photo session this afternoon! Things I learned:

1) they will *absolutely* climb out of photobox
2) gonopores are not where I thought (lots of photos focusing on posterior sucker b4 I figured it out🤦‍♀️)
3) we have American medicinal leeches (Macrobdella decora) @ this site!
Ventral shot of an American medicinal leech (Macrobdella decora) from a prairie pothole pond in central MN.

To distinguish it from others in the same genus, you've got to find a cluster of glands on the ventral surface (circled). Image
In American medicinal leeches (#Macrobdella decora), you should see a cluster of 4 glands arranged in two rows. Here's a close up of that circled section on a live specimen.

Thanks to @danielledecarle for showing me what to look for! (hopefully I've gotten it right!😅) Image
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