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Sep 30th 2019
@NorthwesternLaw presents "EY Law Point of View: The Legal Market of the Future" with Dr. Cornelius Grossmann, @EY_Law's Global Law Leader.
Dr. Grossmann says "EY is not a law firm" but it is seeking to provide legal- related services.
"If you do work in the third tier, you're in trouble. Why? Because there's a new fourth tier" in which ALSPs (aka #lawcompanies) are starting to provide more affordable services.
Dr. Grossmann says the #biglaw firms in Tier 1 are fighting each other at the top of the market.
"The first tier is fantastic for education. It's not necessarily a fantastic life that you have there."
You can make as much if not more money in the 4th tier, he adds.

Read 24 tweets
Sep 11th 2018
Starting off with the Idea Prize:

#1 Expert Advice 321 #AgamiPrize #legalinnovation
#2 The How Revealing Project @HowRevealing #Agamiprize #legalinnovation
#3 Civis @AntaraaVasudev
Read 6 tweets

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