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Nov 28th 2021
1/ You may not really have the power to reconcile everyone in your family and among your relatives and tell people what to do but as much as you can, make a deliberate decision not to be part of the hatred and bitterness that runs in families. #LetLoveLEAD
2/ Sensor what you say or comment on issues of your family in front of your spouse and children, you may reconcile but the seed you plant in your nuclear family will mess up the generation to come. Most of the issues the community & the Church deal with nowadays wouldn't be ...
3/...there if families practiced love, unity, tolerance and forgiveness. We have limited time on earth so before you rush to influence the broken world, endeavour to keep your family and relations together even in our imperfections as humans. #LetLoveLEAD
Read 4 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
The Encourager Also Needs Encouragement!
#Thread Image
Yesterday, I dropped a tweet and a message on my story telling us how draining my last weeks has been, I received heartwarming messages and some calls. Wawu💃

I was really glad to see that we also care for those who are there to encourage us spiritually and mentally.
Do you know they also become weak and tired?We expect them to help us when we are in need, encourage us when we are weak, stay by us when we are sick, feed us when we are hungry but we forget that they are also humans, they eat food too, they become weak too, they become sick too
Read 19 tweets

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