Linda Tsungirirai Masarira Profile picture
Mother of 6 | Mambokadzi | Wife |Human Rights Defender | Development & Socioeconomic Rights activist | Feminist | LEAD President | COPAN 3rd Vice President | 🇿
Mar 9, 2023 48 tweets 11 min read
1/ This morning I had a long breakfast meeting with my Cde in arms @AnglistoneSiba1 we exchanged & shared notes on the activism & political journeys we have traversed thus far. Interestingly was how we agreed on Zim not being ripe for free, fair & credible elections this year. 2/ The road to 2023 General Elections is characterized by weaponizing democracy and the destabilization agenda, which raises eyebrows on whether or not Zimbabwe will survive after an impending bloody election. The artificial peace we are experiencing is scary...
Feb 14, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
1/ The leadership crisis in Africa emanates from a convolution of governance & politics. We have dysfunctional political values, that place hope & change in the hands of persons who want to run for political power. There is a difference between an elected 'leader' & a leader. 2/ We tend to confuse these two. We forget that a 'non-leader' can be elected. We have plenty useless & inept people in elected seats who have failed to deliver to the electorate. Sadly, most of these continue to be voted for every electoral year. #FarceElectoralDemocracy
Feb 10, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
1/ Zvekumhepo zvinochengetwa nevari kumhepo, zvemumvura zvinochengetwa nevari mumvura uye zvemuvhu zvinochengetwa nevari muvhu. @ZANUPF_Official doomsday is nigh, mineral resources & land that belongs to the native Zimbabwean mapedza kupa maChinese nemaRussians. #Chimurenga3 2/ Youths of this generation you are sleeping on laurels, one day you will wake up & be strangers in your own country. It is not surprising that our country is being mortgaged slowly. Why do we need unending loans when we have vast mineral resources? #MindaKumaYouthOse
Feb 8, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
1/ While we are focusing on drug dealers & peddlers, we should put in the same effort to stop the collaboration between criminals at our bus stops @ some unscrupulous @PoliceZimbabwe officials who look away while travellers are being robbed. #LawEnforcementZW 2/ Zimbabwe’s crime hot spots are bus stops & bus ranks where we catch our long distance buses. The biggest criminals are the touts that take advantage of innocent travellers by insulting, harassing & assaulting these innocent travellers. #LawEnforcementZW
Feb 2, 2023 35 tweets 7 min read
1/ If one has not been in mainstream activism & politics it is quite easy to rubbish facts because of ignorance. Verily much that is consumed by the public worldwide is always a script. Yes, it is always hard to prove with evidence in intelligence operations. #Nomore 2/ Covert operations conceal every inch but l have studied enough about CIA operations post World War 2 to an extent of being able to tell their footprints even in grotesquely clandestine operations, economic hitmen projects, destabilization projects that include assassinations.
Dec 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Africa has been in a prison of INDOCTRINATION for over 400 years & BRAINWASHED by a sad miseducation system and divided by RELIGION and DESTROYED by SLAVERY. Our SELF-DETERMINATION was stolen & we are just like headless chicken running to the east & west with begging bowls. 2/ BECAUSE OF INDOCTRINATION;

1. We ask for things we already have in our backyard. Our governments keep on borrowing money from IMF, WORLD BANK, CHINESE LOANS when in actual sense we have all resources to acquire these funds .
Dec 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ We all know that these are grants disguised as loans, later on we will hear that the loans have been written off. This is just an act of disguised corruption to abuse taxpayers funds. They were give 50000 USD car loans which they haven't even paid back half of it. 2/ With only 8 months to the next election how will they pay back the so called loans? What if one is not re-elected how will that money be recovered?
Let us also not forget that these elected officials should be prioritizing the welfare of those who elected them into office.
Nov 29, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ Our Solidarity message to the people of Palestine as LEAD is clear.

Every person has the right to life. We have been watching with sorry and heavy
hearts the massacre of the people of Palestine by the state of Israel. #PalestineDay 2/ The Israel Government has not been remorseful, they continue to justify bombings, gruesome murder, torture & incarceration of Palestinians including children.
Since 1948 the Palestinian people have known no peace of mind and continue to be
subjected to ethnic cleansing ...
Nov 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ I saw levels trending, when I followed the story, I was heartbroken. Revenge porn is a tool of emotional destruction & abuse. Shashi be strong & take legal action. My advise to young people is to stop recording intimate moments & sending nude pictures to partners. #16Days 2/ Shashi has been strong & told her side of the story. I can relate with the pain she is going through. A lot of women go through similar cases of abuse especially when they want to end an abusive relationship. They are stalked, emotionally & physically abused #16DaysOfActivism
Nov 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ We are aware that the hacked JSC website was a training process to the final task ahead in 2023 to hack the ZEC server & website to compute false results to spark pandemonium. In a constitutional democracy, we have to learn to appreciate processes & not to create our own ... 2/...figures which we psych up people in the pretext of defending a vote not yet cast. Electoral history has revealed a repetitive cycle of electoral vigilantism which is something we have to get rid of as a nation. As we encroach into the 2023 harmonized elections, we expect...
Oct 21, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ I believe that @trussliz is a victim of misoginistic tendencies in the UK political economy just like @theresa_may. Liz could have been a success but they conspired to bring her down. The misoginistic tendencies could not have another female leader. #TrussOut 2/ The circus in British politics continues, the inadvertent folly of trying to punish Russia & now Europe is in free fall, at the abyss of a biting, excruciating winter & energy crisis imbroglio. It was inevitable she had to resign. The Tory party had become too fractious, ...
Oct 18, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ Mambo vipi waafrika wenzangu!

Je, tunakubali kwamba sisi Waafrika Weusi na Waafrika kwa ujumla tunahitaji kujitangaza kuwa RANGI MOJA na pia kukubaliana juu ya KUJIHIFADHI KWA MBIO HIYO iliyoshikamana na UJESHI ambao siku zote umekuwa ngao MKUU wa UBEPARI wote ambao ... 2/...umeanzishwa dhidi yetu. katika kipindi cha miaka mia nne hadi tano iliyopita?🤷🏾‍♂️

Je, AU inaweza KUBADILISHWA UPYA baada ya KUKOMESHA Enzi tofauti za Kitaifa, Uadilifu wa Kitaifa wa Kitaifa na Uhuru wa Kitaifa?

Ni mipango gani ya Kitaasisi ambayo jukwaa hili linaweza ...
Oct 18, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ Sommes-nous d'accord que nous, les Africains noirs autochtones et les Africains en général, devons nous déclarer comme UNE RACE et être également d'accord sur l'AUTO-PRÉSERVATION DE CETTE RACE ancrée dans le MILITARISME qui a toujours été le REMPART PRINCIPAL de tout
... 2/...le CAPITALISME qui a été institué contre nous au cours des quatre à cinq cents dernières années ?🤷🏾‍♂️

L'UA peut-elle être RECONSTITUÉE À NOUVEAU après avoir ABOLI les souverainetés nationales, les intégrités territoriales nationales et les indépendances nationales ?
Sep 27, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ Zimbabwe is a source, transit and a destination of both international and domestic human trafficking. Human trafficking is on the rampant in Zimbabwe.
Human trafficking is not only a crime; it is also a gross violation of human rights. It attacks the dignity of the person. 2/ The @UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons defines trafficking in persons as:
“The act of recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons ... by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, ...
Aug 25, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ Dear Mr President @edmnangagwa

NRZ is being destroyed by people hiding behind your name. This institution is very strategic for economic development in our country. As a former railwaywoman I am deeply concerned about the current state of one of the largest parastatals in Zim 2/ I therefore recommend the following;
•Immediately dissolve NRZ Board, Suspend the GM & Constitute an Independent Enquiry on NRZ. The committee to thoroughly interrogate Board Wars, Procurement, Finance, Human Resources, Audit, Security, Restructuring Exercise, recent...
Aug 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Regalia has never been a good campaigning tool. It benefits no one & has
created unnecessary tensions within communities in Zimbabwe as people accuse each other for supporting other
parties. Regalia is good for identity, but a total waste of resources. #LEAD6millionVotes 2/ Political parties have over the years wasted resources on regalia which could have been invested &
helped communities. In 2018 ZANUPF used an estimate of USD$60
Million on regalia alone. If invested, 60m can go a long way in creating employment &
stabilizing the economy.
Aug 15, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ Harare West in particular & other parts of Harare have had no running water for the past 3 weeks. This is a clear violation of section 77 of the constitution of Zimbabwe which enshrines the right to safe, clean & potable water. Water is life, the unavailability of it,... 2/...therefore is a threat on people's health & sanitation. @cohsunshinecity & local government ministry should stop playing with people's lives & ensure that water is available for all as soon as yesterday. We can't be debating availability water issues this day & age.
Jul 14, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
1/ As Zimbabwe moves towards another phase of the electoral cycle in the
midst of numerous configurations, mutations and reconfigurations in the
international relations, political and economic arena. #NoMore #AfricaUnite #Zimbabwe #AFRICOM 2/ The Russia-Ukraine
war that is currently taking place has motivated the US to take a hardline
stance against countries that are perceived to be collaborating with
There are ongoing machinations by the Western Powers to unilaterally
control and dictate... #Nomore
Jul 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ People who are candid , fair minded & honest will always ruffle others' feathers. The reason is simple, when one is sitting in a comfort zone, whether clandestinely, by prejudice or on merit, he/she turns a blind eye to the legitimate calls for fairness and meritocracy. 2/ With the whole world rigidly biased and relentless on this, our seemingly raucous voices, nomatter how genuine and correct they are, are drenched into a world filled with warped philosophies, ill-conceived ideologies, that are not supported by any scientific research.
Jun 27, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ Gold coins are a form of an investment security. They derive their value from the underlying Gold asset. In other words, their value is backed by real Gold, which in this case may be Gold stored by Fidelity or minted on the coin. 2/ If one is to buy Gold directly from London metals exchange (LME), they will be buying a real asset which would be delivered physically to them or preferred warehouses. The analogy here is to demonstrate that when directly investing in Gold as an asset the actual Gold should...
May 2, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
The US has military operations [outposts] in 53 countries out of 54 on the African continent. The only country in which they don’t have any military activity on the continent is Zimbabwe, hence there is no pin on Zimbabwe.
#BreakTheSilence #Nomore 2/ This is information you will not easily find in the conventional mainstream media because it’s being handled with such secrecy by the US State Department. Albeit, due to the Access to Information Act, some information has been released through pressure from civil society ...