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Nov 19th 2019
πŸ“’ πŸ“’πŸ“’ There's now just 1 week to go before the registration deadline for #GE2019

What do you need to register?
πŸ”– name
πŸ—“οΈ date of birth
πŸ—ƒοΈ National Insurance number

In the next five minutes you could read more tweets, or you could register to vote.…
πŸ—³οΈThe general election is on Thursday 12 December.

Voting is your opportunity to have your say on how the country is run. But first things first πŸ‘‡

How will you decide who you vote for?

✍️ You're voting for your local representative: your MP. They represent you in the UK Parliament on the things you care about.

Your vote matters, so what matters to you?

Read 5 tweets
Nov 12th 2019
Hi there and welcome to UK Parliament πŸ‘‹

πŸ—³οΈ With the general election taking place on Thursday 12 December, we're excited to connect with you on the issues you care about over the next few weeks.

We're neutral and non-party political, so we won't be getting into party politics or specific policies.

What we'll be doing is linking you up with the information you need to make your choice on polling day ❎
What is a general election? Can you vote for the prime minister? What happens to the @UKHouseofLords in an election? πŸ€”

We'll aim to cover your questions and fill in the blanks. Let us know what you're thinking and where we can help.
Read 6 tweets

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