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Mar 12th 2019
#LowCarbDenver #LowCarbDenver2019 conference was superb thanks to all the organizers and @JeffryGerberMD The audience was hungry for the information presented but the world is literally starving for this knowledge. The SAD a "starvation diet" and people overeat in desperation 1/n
to counteract the deleterious effects of its nutritional devastation. But it is a fools errand. And will ultimately fail. The physical and mental harm done by current nutritional orthodox can not be undone by more. Layering drugs and supplements upon conditions whose root 2/n
causes lay undiscovered will not solve the problem although they may enrich those who rise up to sell these phantasy solutions. And it appears more&more likely that persistent long term hyperinsulinemia in susceptible individuals&species at biologically inappropriate times 3/n
Read 23 tweets
Mar 10th 2019
@DoctorTro @lowcarbGP As a 40 year food/carb addict I would have to agree. And keto carnivore combined with hyperthermic stress exercise was the only thing that was able to break addiction to hyperpalatable engineered foods. A number of #LowCarbDenver #lowcarbdenver2019 have noted that carnivore 1/n
@DoctorTro @lowcarbGP diet seemed the key to making the difference in addictive eating. Heroin addicts in recovery report of having to cover their own arms with long sleeve shirts for YEARS so triggering is the sight of their own veiny forearms. The intense pleasure of exogenous opiates coupled 2/n
@DoctorTro @lowcarbGP the sight of their own body part that precedes the rush of the drug forms as associating that is extremely powerful. Similarly in food addiction packaging & advertising and even the sight of a convenience store sign can trigger a food binge early in recovery. In my addict 3/n
Read 13 tweets

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