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Jul 30th 2020
"Can he do that?" is the wrong question, & I should know!

7 yrs ago, our grassroots #EastBoston @NoEastieCasino movement beat a massive casino at the polls.

It was illegally back on the ballot within weeks.

The lesson? These laws/norms are for us. Not them.

#macasinos #mapoli
I've also learned this lesson many times over in the US immigration system as law & norms constantly shift underneath me and my clients, often on a total whim.

But seeing it happen after a democratic election in my own neighborhood changed me. It changed me forever.

I'm not going to spin out some lengthy Seth Abramson-style theory on exactly how it could happen. I'm just going to trust that the people who want it already have...and that thousands of heavily armed Americans & millions more Fox/OANN/Breitbart news consumers would welcome it.
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