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Sep 7th 2022
That moment as a poll watcher when the polls close and you're locked in with democracy

#bospoli #mapoli
I live two blocks from W1P1's polls and have been coming here every election to get a photo of the count after the polls close because I am a sick freak
Ward 1 Precinct 1 #bospoli #SuffolkDA
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May 19th 2022
1/This thread on an obscure committee nominally responsible for directing a beloved #EastBoston park is this week's essential #bospoli reading. Meet me back here when you're done for a few more thoughts from someone who has been following this fiasco closely for the past 10 yrs
2/ For context, here's the finished portion of Piers Park. I live around the corner, walk past it every day, and visit as often as possible. It"s a treasure, one of New England's beautiful spaces. The angry racists you've just seen in those videos are tasked with managing it.
3/ Piers Park is an amazing place for working people of limited means to have parties, get married, shoot music videos, take family photos, and hear great music. Like my band, @hightiderocks! Here we are playing some Dead on Jerry Garcia's birthday

Read 17 tweets
Jul 28th 2021
1/ #EastBoston #immigrationlaw office Cameron Micheroni & Silvia is hiring! We're looking for a bilingual (Eng/Esp) paralegal to help stop deportations, support asylum seekers, & keep families together.

See below for a pizza-loving dog!

(See further below for actual details)
2/ I started CMS 12 yrs ago as a low bono endeavor with a "for people" vs. a "for profit" model, & we've continued that even as we've grown to 3 attorneys and a full staff. We all share a strong sense of mission and responsibility to do right by our clients *and* one another.
3/ We don't "employ" people so much as invest in them; we're fully committed to your happiness, & success both during & well beyond your time here. We've seen too many small firms grind good ppl w/good intentions down just to squeeze $$ out of them, & we're not here for that.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 20th 2021
Samuel Maverick was one of the first slave-owners in MA, and it's past time #EastBoston disowned him. I've been proposing for yrs that we re-dedicate the square to a different Maverick: the youngest victim of the Boston Massacre.

Keep the name, lose the legacy

#mapoli #bospoli
Or to this guy, whatever, literally any other Maverick
Samuel Maverick:

-owned all of what is now #EastBoston and #Chelsea

-purchased, tortured, and experimented in crude forced eugenics on humans

-does not deserve to have his name on an entire square, a T station, a street, a court, etc

#mapoli #bospoli
Read 4 tweets
Nov 4th 2020
Every election for more than a decade now I have slipped into #Boston's Ward 1 Precinct 1 (my #EastBoston polling station) as they're closing up just to watch the numbers come in.

This is something any citizen can do. In some states, you could go do it tonight!

#bospoli Image
The doors have just shut with a flurry of volunteer activity. Everyone has a part to play in this locked theater of democracy.

I sincerely love anyone willing to spend their day doing this, all of the love to poll workers everywhere tonight

"Hot off the presses, here you go kids!"

A poll worker walks over to *give me my own copy* of the results.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 31st 2020
This is a a cruel, arbitrary, & entirely intentional move to cut off the last possible route to permanent status for many #TPS recipients before Trump finally ends their status in January, and it will hurt #EastBoston & #Chelsea more than nearly anywhere else in the U.S.
This seemingly small/technical redefinition of a vital #immigrationlaw concept is actually a fairly extreme act of administrative violence (more on which below) & yet another indicator of the creeping fash which has infiltrated DHS at all levels

FYI, immigration "parole" is simply permission to lawfully enter the U.S. (It has nothing to do with the more commonly-used criminal law term, or anything to do w/a crime at all.) It's a fairly simple concept, but has been redefined here explicitly to disadvantage TPS recipients
Read 9 tweets
Aug 1st 2020
Sen. @EdMarkey firing up a socially-distanced #EastBoston crowd today while a paid JKIII speaker truck desperately drives up and down Bremen St trying to disrupt him. No idea what they're saying, but it can't compete with the Senator's moral clarity

#ImWithEd #mapoli #bospoli Image
Hearing @EdMarkey riff on the Green New Deal, economic inequality, immigrant rights, environmental justice, M4A, and what we all need to do together to get through this national crisis is giving me more hope than I can remember having in all of 2020

All you need to know about this race:

@EdMarkey came to #EastBoston to speak directly to what he has done for our immigrant community & our most vital environmental & social justice issues.

His opponent came w/a paid goon yelling incomprehensible nonsense.

#ImWithEd #mapoli
Read 3 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
"Can he do that?" is the wrong question, & I should know!

7 yrs ago, our grassroots #EastBoston @NoEastieCasino movement beat a massive casino at the polls.

It was illegally back on the ballot within weeks.

The lesson? These laws/norms are for us. Not them.

#macasinos #mapoli
I've also learned this lesson many times over in the US immigration system as law & norms constantly shift underneath me and my clients, often on a total whim.

But seeing it happen after a democratic election in my own neighborhood changed me. It changed me forever.

I'm not going to spin out some lengthy Seth Abramson-style theory on exactly how it could happen. I'm just going to trust that the people who want it already have...and that thousands of heavily armed Americans & millions more Fox/OANN/Breitbart news consumers would welcome it.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 29th 2020
As my law office waits to see if we'll clear this round of #PPP funding to receive the extremely modest loan we'll need to keep staff on payroll/benefits as our revenue continues to stall, I just can't stop thinking about this wanton pigfucker.
We couldn't even *apply* for relief last round bc @SantanderBankUS couldn't pull together a simple application process in 2 weeks before big GOP donors like Bennett started *paying himself & his dad dividends* from your tax $$ which could have saved 100 companies like ours
The three law partners in my office all agreed to stop receiving paychecks 2 months ago so that we could do our best to use our reserve funds & limited revenue to keep staff who does so much for us employed & insured. There was no discussion about this whatsoever. It was assumed.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 16th 2020
1/ Proud to announce that I'm joining a team of progressive #EastBoston residents seeking election to our local Democratic ward committee. It's a wicked local #bospoli story, but I think what we're doing here really matters--and that you should try it too.

Yes, you.

2/ Ward committees are as local as local politics get. They are (or at least can be) the foundation of party organizing, and the aspirational face of a community. They're the closest thing to Jeffersonian democracy most of us will ever see. (Photo credit: @SecretaryofMass)
3/ And they're fun! This guy gets it
Read 16 tweets
Oct 10th 2019
Working late again thanks to two awful Trump #immigration policies: #PublicCharge rule (scheduled to kick in on Tues) & the end of #TPSElSalvador in Jan.

We'd already been trying to get as many #TPS holders to residency as possible, & this new deadline has us all scrambling.
#EastBoston, #Chelsea, & #Revere are home to one of the East Coast's largest Salvadoran populations. We know from our clients & weekly visits to the consulate that reality is starting to hit: Thousands of my neighbors will begin 2020 by losing the status they've held for 18+ yrs
We have been able to process many of them for advance parole, a special travel permit which will allow those with immediate relatives who are US citizens or relatives to re-enter lawfully and qualify for residency. It's getting to be too late for those who haven't.
Read 8 tweets

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