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Dec 3rd 2022
This is the #MakerUpDaits!

December has arrived, 2023 is just around the corner...

Meanwhile, MakerDAO, the Maker Protocol, and DAI had a very interesting month in November.

Let's see what happened

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πŸ“ˆ The GUSD in the PSM peaked at 500 million GUSD.

According to @Gemini's GUSD Partnership, MakerDAO will receive its first monthly payment from a 1.25% annual rate on any GUSD present in the PSM.

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πŸ’° Real-world assets (mainly Monetalis Clydesdale, short-term bonds investment) and stablecoins (mostly GUSD yield) represent ~70% of the annualized revenue generated by the Maker Protocol.

This snapshot was taken from β†’… Image
Read 9 tweets
Oct 3rd 2022
This is the #MakerUpdaits!

Q3 is over, and September was one of the most relevant months of the year for MakerDAO, the Maker Protocol, and DAI.

Let's see why.

Oracles Core Unit Facilitator @nomosparadox announced the soft launch of Chronicle πŸš€

The first decentralized, community-run Oracle network.

We had a great time at @ETHWarsaw πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±

Thanks to all of you who have made it possible!

Read 13 tweets
May 16th 2022

This is the #MakerUpDaits!

What happened within MakerDAO, the Maker Protocol, and Dai in the last two weeks?

Let's find out.


Over the past two weeks, market volatility put pressure on the Maker Protocol with major stress tests.

The Dai supply decreased by 2.2 billion.

Several Maker Vaults were closed and the Protocol experienced +200 liquidation auctions of risky collateral.

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Specifically, the Maker Protocol executed 257 liquidation auctions during the last two weeks.

These liquidations helped the Protocol cover 28.4 million Dai in risky debt.

On top of that, the Protocol accrued 3.7 million Dai in Penalty Fees.

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Read 12 tweets

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