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Jun 2nd 2021
As you all know, I am in Ireland & unable to come back home until August. My brother & I were just told that my mom’s building would not extend grace & allow us to continue to pay for her apt. thru Aug. when I’m back & can save him from having to remove her belongings on his own.
My brother held vigil by my mom’s bedside 12 hours a day while she was in the hospital. And held up cell using FaceTime for me for 12 more so I could see her face as we both held vigil when she was dying.

He has done ENOUGH on his own. 💔
I want to be there for my brother .
The person I just talked to — a woman named Blanca — refused to discuss the issue with me at all and told me her attorney would be handling it.

I asked, “Why is an attorney involved when it comes to dealing with grieving family members asking for kindness and grace?”
Read 8 tweets
Nov 2nd 2019
And now, a thread story... yes at 5:28am, but there’s a “good” reason:

The fire alarm at my hotel got us ALL up at 4:45am.

I learned some things about myself and others this fine morning — some good, some bad.

And here we go:
1. Alarms don’t alarm me, and they probably should.

I didn’t jump up and run out of my room. I called downstairs, asked the nice couple meerkatting out their door (like me) if they knew what was up and THEN got fully dressed & hit the stairs.
2. Once I’m in survival mode I trust no one.

In the stairwell around floor six, a nice dude who works at the hotel said that all was well. Even the overhead announcement said so. But I’m from East Cleveland. The street out front would tell me I was safe. #OnlyTheStreet
Read 18 tweets

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