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Jan 26th 2022
Two years ago, we sadly lost Kobe Bryant

Today, I want to talk about the lasting impact he had on MMA and martial arts, and the influence these communities had on him 👇
1) Kobe noted in interviews that martial arts legend and movie star Bruce Lee was a major influence on the “Mamba Mentality”

How much? In the 2000s, Kobe started practicing Jeet Kune Do — Bruce Lee’s hybrid martial art that combines the best of multiple martial arts disciplines
2) While Jeet Kune Do doesn’t have a direct connection to basketball, Kobe saw it differently:

“To me it has everything to do with basketball. There are a lot of similarities. By doing so, no one knows what you’re going to do next, therefore, they don’t know how to fight back.”
Read 17 tweets
Jan 26th 2022
Kobe touched so many lives. On the second anniversary of his passing, we’re looking back at moments between his friends, peers, teammates and mentees. #MambaForever 💜
“I’ve seen him win gold medals and championship rings. But I’ve still never seen him look as happy, in those big moments on the court, as he looked the other day off of it: with an arm around Gigi, sitting courtside, and just
.. talking.” —Derek Jeter

“You’re probably the only dude in the history of the game where the mystique wasn’t exaggerated. The Mamba was no myth, man. It didn’t even do you justice. One, two, three in the morning, we knew where you were.” —@alleniverson

Read 10 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
[HILO] El 2020 empezĂł a torcerse el 26 de enero, una fecha que los fans de la NBA no olvidaremos jamĂĄs.

El dĂ­a que Kobe nos dejĂł para siempre.

Hoy, justo un año después, no se me ocurre una forma mejor de rendirle homenaje que contando su historia.

KOBE BRYANT: #MambaForever Image
Ante de nada, deciros que tenĂ©is este hilo en mi podcast diario de NBA. @hablandoDnba es el podcast de NBA mĂĄs escuchado de España, segĂșn los Rankings semanales de iVoox.

Más de 60.000 escuchas al mes ya 🙈

Podcast 379. La historia de Kobe Bryant
Y como en toda historia, lo mejor es empezar por el principio...

Viajemos hasta Filadelfia, la ciudad mĂĄs poblada del estado de Pensilvania, a un 23 de agosto de 1978, dĂ­a en el que Pamela y Joe tienen a su tercer hijo (el primer varĂłn): Kobe Bean Bryant. Image
Read 50 tweets
Feb 28th 2020
Kobe Bryant: Three decades of cold blooded, venomous, trash talk and going straight for the jugular.

A thread.
Welcome to the third and final entry in my 'Trash Talk' series. Three years ago I commenced these threaded tales with a deep dive into Michael Jordan's verbal eviscerations, so it's only fitting and poetic that I end the trilogy with Kobe.
Throughout his career, Kobe was never one to shy away from a verbal stoush or letting some expletives fly in the direction of an opponent or his teammates. Kobe is an interesting case study, as he came into the league when talking shit was still somewhat tolerated and allowed.
Read 45 tweets

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