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Dec 4th 2020
Isak Aden, One Year Later: A Life Stolen by Police

Family files $20M lawsuit on 1-yr anniversary.

Ofcr Moseng, who was speaking on phone with Aden as he was fatally shot by police, pushed 2 #JusticeForIsak protesters during the 1-yr event.

Full Story:…
Isak Aden was a 23 y/o college student, entrepreneur, & father figure to his younger siblings when he was killed by police in Eagan, MN, on July 2, 2019.

He had immigrated to the US w/ his grandma after both his parents died in the Somali civil war.

>…< Image
Responding to a disputed domestic disturbance call, nearly 100 officers from a slew of south suburban police depts – including the South Metro SWAT unit, 4 snipers, three K-9 units, an MRAP, & 2 Bearcats – quickly surrounded #IsakAden in a parking lot off HWY 13 in Eagan. Image
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